Revision 1 as of 2009-07-30 08:09:18

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Manually creating archival copies

The most simple way is to tell the fileserver to create a file copy in an archival osd:

# fs archive ascii-file
ascii-file done

An alternative to this is the fs fidarchive subcommand.

It is also possible to specify the desired archive:

# osd l
 id name(loc)     ---total space---      flag  prior. own. server lun size range
  1 local_disk                                 wr  rd                 (0kb-1mb)
 13 ssu12           1781 gb   0.0 % up         55  64     ssu12.if  2 (1mb-64gb)
 14 ssu13           1781 gb   0.0 % up         55  64     ssu13.if  2 (1mb-64gb)
 15 z19mini           91 gb   2.3 % up   hsm   64  64     zyklop19  0 (1mb-1gb)
 16 z19maxi          458 gb   0.0 % up         55  64     zyklop19  2 (1mb-64gb)
 17 arch1            458 gb   0.0 % up   arch  55  64     zyklop20  0 (0kb-2tb)
 18 arch2            458 gb   0.0 % up   arch  55  64     zyklop20  1 (0kb-2tb)
 19 z20online        391 gb   0.0 % up         55  64     zyklop20  2 (1mb-64gb)
# fs archive ascii-file -osd 18
ascii-file done
# fs osd archive-file
ascii-file has 284 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=4096, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.0, osd=15, stripe=0
Archive, dv=3, 2009-01-28 09:55:34, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=44537893, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=0, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.0, osd=18, stripe=0
        md5=a64535612df9ff989b4bd6d6a133fb5d  as from  2009-01-28 09:56:36

The archival copy is on osd 18 (zyklop20, vicepb = lun 1).

/!\ There is no warning about existent copies. Repeat the command:

[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # fs arch ascii-file -osd 18
ascii-file done
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # fs osd ascii-file         
ascii-file has 284 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=4096, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.0, osd=15, stripe=0
Archive, dv=3, 2009-01-28 09:55:34, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=44537893, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=0, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.0, osd=18, stripe=0
        md5=a64535612df9ff989b4bd6d6a133fb5d  as from  2009-01-28 09:56:36

The call is silently ignored.

Change the data:

[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # echo More data >> ascii-file 
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # fs arch ascii-file -osd 18
ascii-file done
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # fs osd ascii-file 
ascii-file has 284 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=4096, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.0, osd=15, stripe=0
Archive, dv=5, 2009-01-28 09:59:27, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=44537903, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=0, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.1, osd=18, stripe=0
        md5=1891d17de5eb67c0bd30d54952ea0325  as from  2009-01-28 09:59:43

The copy is updated.

Another update:

[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # echo More data yet >>| ascii-file
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # fs arch ascii-file           
ascii-file done
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # fs osd ascii-file 
ascii-file has 284 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=4096, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.0, osd=15, stripe=0
Archive, dv=7, 2009-01-28 10:00:46, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=44537917, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=0, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.0, osd=18, stripe=0
        md5=eec1410b6ae326e6c9173802122372c0  as from  2009-01-28 10:00:51

Even without specifying the target osd, the system correctly assumes that the archive should be refreshed.

Without updates:

[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # fs arch ascii-file
ascii-file done
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # fs osd ascii-file 
ascii-file has 436 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=4096, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.0, osd=15, stripe=0
Archive, dv=7, 2009-01-28 10:00:46, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=44537917, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=0, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.0, osd=18, stripe=0
        md5=eec1410b6ae326e6c9173802122372c0  as from  2009-01-28 10:00:51
Archive, dv=7, 2009-01-28 10:00:51, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=44537917, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=0, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.0, osd=17, stripe=0

        md5=eec1410b6ae326e6c9173802122372c0  as from  2009-01-28 10:02:07

Another archived copy was created, same data (as per md5data).

A last update:

[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # echo And even more data >> ascii-file 
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # fs arch ascii-file 
ascii-file done
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # fs osd ascii-file 
ascii-file has 284 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=4096, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.0, osd=15, stripe=0
Archive, dv=9, 2009-01-28 10:02:54, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=44537936, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=0, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.1, osd=17, stripe=0
        md5=150103c2d7bcfc367b707df35801cdfa  as from  2009-01-28 10:02:59

The copy in osd 17 is updated, the "old" archive in osd 18 is discarded.

Wiping files

If the data is archived, it can be wiped from its actual OSD:

[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # fs wipe ascii-file 
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # fs osd ascii-file 
ascii-file has 160 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
Archive, dv=9, 2009-01-28 10:02:54, 1 segm, flags=0x2
        lng=44537936, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=0, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.1, osd=17, stripe=0
        md5=150103c2d7bcfc367b707df35801cdfa  as from  2009-01-28 10:02:59

On an access, it is silently restored to an "normal" osd:

[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # head ascii-file 
[1177711200] LOG ROTATION: DAILY
[1177711200] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: a;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0
.13 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: amafs;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA
 = 0.14 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: aphrodite;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%,
 RTA = 0.54 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: aquila;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RT
A = 0.25 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: ares;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA 
= 0.59 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: argus;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA
 = 0.16 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: artax;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA
 = 1.08 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: arwen;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA
 = 0.18 ms
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/field_test # fs osd ascii-file 
ascii-file has 284 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=0, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.0, osd=15, stripe=0
Archive, dv=9, 2009-01-28 10:02:54, 1 fetches, last: 2009-01-28, 1 segm, flags=0
        lng=44537936, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=0, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536871001.6.207.1, osd=17, stripe=0
        md5=150103c2d7bcfc367b707df35801cdfa  as from  2009-01-28 10:02:59

The osd is selected the same way as always - depending on priorities, usage perc entage, owner etc.

Automatic archiving

The archiver script is included in the OpenAFS+OSD sources. It runs infinitely and searches unarchived files in short intervals. It runs fs fidarchive on them.

The wiper script will traverse OSDs that have the "hsm" flag set using

# osd setosd <id> -wipeable

On those, files that have not been accessed for a while are wiped, so that only their latest archival copy remains in storage.

The scripts have yet to be ported to our specific requirements (as far as they differ from Garching's).