patch analysis

This is a log of how the goodies branch came into existence.

general problems and remarks

unidentified snippets

isolating vos splitvol

Making the Rxosd server a fileserver+Rxosd server

  1. osd setosd 12 -wrprior 0 
    where 12 is the ID of the OSD we want cleared.
  2. for fid in `vos listobjects 12 iokaste` ; do fs fidreplaceosd $fid 12 ; done 

    vos listo 12 iokaste returns the object ids of all objects stored on OSD 12 and metadata in volumes on iokaste.

  3. osd deleteosd 12 
  4. bos restart io rxosd 
  5. unmount /vicepe and create new filesystem (data is still being kept otherwise, salvager tries and creates non-attachable volumes from what's left on the disk)

  6. mount /vicepe

  7. touch file OnlyRxosd on vice partitions a-d

  8. create the fs instance on io

AfsOsd/Logs (last edited 2009-01-29 10:50:55 by FelixFrank)