fs commands

fs ls

% fs ls /afs/ifh.de/testsuite/testosd/        
m rwxnieprask        2048 2009-06-04 14:18:08 .
m rwxnieprask        2048 2009-06-04 13:39:15 ..
l rwx  ffrank           9 2009-06-09 09:18:13 symli -> testfile1
f rw-  ffrank  1000000000 2009-06-04 13:46:01 testfile1
o rw-  ffrank  1000000000 2009-06-04 13:55:40 testfile2
o rw-  ffrank  1000000000 2009-06-04 13:59:27 testfile3
o rw-  ffrank  1000000000 2009-06-04 14:18:17 testfile4 

The initial letter signifies the type of entry

fs osd / fs fidosd

Display file's metadata. Works only for OSD files (i.e., entries with o or w from fs ls)

% fs ls | grep 'testfile[12]'
f rw-  ffrank  1000000000 2009-06-04 13:46:01 testfile1
o rw-  ffrank  1000000000 2009-06-04 13:55:40 testfile2
% fs osd testfile1
Error 22 reading length of metadata
% fs osd testfile2
testfile2 has 132 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=0, cop=1, 1 objects
            obj=536900068.4.5.0, osd=2, stripe=0 

Most interesting fields:

fs archive / fs fidarchive

Create an archival copy of a file (i.e., an additional object in an archival OSD).

Works only for OSD files.

/!\ FIXME: No example currently available.

fs createstripedfile

Barring the use of policies, this is the only way to make use of striping/mirroring.

It can also be used to enforce creation of an OSD file.

Its uses are largely obsoleted by policies.

fs fetchqueue

When using OSD with HSM, see what files are being restored from tape to online OSDs.

/!\ FIXME: No example currently available.

AfsOsd/UsageInstructions/FsSubcommands (last edited 2009-06-09 10:50:16 by FelixFrank)