Revision 6 as of 2009-11-13 11:56:13

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vos commands

vos archcand

gives a list of fids which need an archval copy

Usage: vos archcand -server <machine name>

vos archcand -server zyklop20 
Fid                           Weight      Blocks
536900071.2.3                   5015500  1000000
Totally 1 files with 1000000 blocks

Other Options:


ignore files < minwipesize


check also volumes without osd policy


use server tickets




encrypt commands


don't resolve addresses

vos statistic

show data flow statistic of a given server

Usage: vos statistic -server <server>

Since  2009-11-08 04:00:01 (455348 seconds == 5 days, 6:29:08 hours)
Total number of bytes received                0    0 bytes
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vos getvariable

return the value of a given variable

Usage: vos getvariable <Server> <variable>

vos getvariable zyklop20 LogLevel
LogLevel = 0

vos setvariable

set value of the specific variable in volserver

Usage: vos setvariable -server <machine name> -name <of the variable> -value <to be set>  

vos salvage


vos traverse


vos split


vos dump


vos create


vos examine


vos listobjects


vos setfields


vos wipecand