Differences between revisions 3 and 13 (spanning 10 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2008-01-07 11:41:05
Size: 378
Editor: FelixFrank
Comment: updated configure args
Revision 13 as of 2008-02-21 16:32:32
Size: 13233
Editor: FelixFrank
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 1: Line 1:
Line 5: Line 7:
= Status =
Currently '''io''' runs an ''rxosd'' and a Heimdal ''KDC'' and the SL5 openafs client.

'''iokaste''' runs ''fileserver'', ''vldbserver'', ''osdserver'' and ''ptserver'', all OSD-aware, as is the client.

Both run '''openafs-1.4.6''', the servers being compiled with OSD patch.
Line 9: Line 18:

= Enabeling the client =
 * From the source directory '''copy''' {{{
src/libafs/MODLOAD-2.6.18-8.1.15.el5-MP/libafs.ko }}}
  (where ''2.6.18-8.1.15.el5-MP'' is the kernel version)
 to {{{
/lib/modules/2.6.18-8.1.10.el5/kernel/fs/openafs/libafs.ko }}}
 * {{{
depmod }}}
 * reboot
 * launch ''afsd''

= Issues =

== Missing token is not handled well ==
{{{ $ osd volumes io -lun 1
RX xdr error
Cannot list volumes
Request aborted.
$ osd createv io 1 536870924
Createvolume failed: RXOSD_create_part ended with 13
Request aborted.}}}

= Subcommands =

== fs createstripedfile ==

=== creating mirrored files ===

{{{ # fs creates /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored-file 1 14 -copies 2
}}} where 1 is the ''number of stripes'' and 14 is ''log_2(stripesize in bytes)''.
 Note:: Allowed exponents are 12..19, allowing stripe sizes 4kB..512kB.

The above command created an unstriped but mirrored file.

=== creating striped files ===

This is how we created the first striped file: {{{
# fs creates /afs/desytest/osdtest/striped_file_1 2 14
done }}}
We stored a kernel image inside: {{{
# cp /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5 striped_file_1
# mv striped_file_1 vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5
# ll
total 7615
-rw-r--r-- 1 bin root 417032 Jan 14 14:54 libafs.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 bin root 5612872 Jan 28 15:31 mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 bin root 1765652 Feb 14 13:37 vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5
# fs osd vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5
vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5 has 172 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=2, strsize=16384, cop=1, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=720578573194231814, osd=12, stripe=0
            pid=536870924, oid=3026421582407925766, osd=11, stripe=1
            obj=536870924.6.704643685.0 }}}
As the stripes were put in OSDs 11 and 12 respectively: {{{
# osd listo
 id name(loc) ---total space--- flag prior. own. server lun size range
  1 local_disk wr rd (0kb-1mb)
  8 io_a 279 gb 0.0 % up hsm 50 0 io.ifh.d 0 (1mb-64gb)
  9 io_b 279 gb 0.0 % up hsm 50 0 io.ifh.d 1 (1mb-64gb)
 10 io_c 279 gb 0.0 % up hsm 50 0 io.ifh.d 2 (1mb-64gb)
 11 io_d 279 gb 0.0 % up hsm 50 0 io.ifh.d 3 (1mb-64gb)
 12 io_e 278 gb 0.0 % up hsm 50 0 io.ifh.d 4 (1mb-64gb)
# osd vol io
1 volumes found:
# osd obj io 536870924 3
536870924.4.33555043.0 fid 536870924.4.611 tag 0 not-striped lng 4209654 lc 1
536870924.6.704643685.0 fid 536870924.6.613 tag 0 1/2/16384 lng 880916 lc 1
536870924.4.704643683.1 fid 536870924.4.611 tag 1 1/2/16384 lng 0 lc 1
3 object(s) with totally 5090570 bytes for volume 536870924 found
# osd obj io 536870924 4
536870924.4.167772771.0 fid 536870924.4.611 tag 0 0/2/16384 lng 0 lc 1
536870924.6.167772773.0 fid 536870924.6.613 tag 0 0/2/16384 lng 884736 lc 1
2 object(s) with totally 884736 bytes for volume 536870924 found }}}

The first file on ''io/3'' (vicepd) belongs to the mirrored file created above, not the striped file.

=== adding segments to an existing OSD file ===
# fs creates /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2 2 14
File /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2 already exists. Create new segment? (Y|N)
# fs osd mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2
mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2 has 436 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 3 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=5612872, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=16384, cop=2, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=144117812300873732, osd=10, stripe=0
            pid=536870924, oid=144117812300873732, osd=11, stripe=0
        lng=5612872, offs=5612872, stripes=2, strsize=16384, cop=1, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=720578564604297220, osd=12, stripe=0
            pid=536870924, oid=3026421573885100036, osd=11, stripe=1
        lng=0, offs=5612872, stripes=2, strsize=16384, cop=1, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=720578564671406084, osd=12, stripe=0
            pid=536870924, oid=3026421573952208900, osd=11, stripe=1
            obj=536870924.4.704643683.2 }}}

== fs osd ==
{{{ # fs osd /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored-file
/afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored-file has 172 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=16384, cop=2, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=144117812300873732, osd=10, stripe=0
            pid=536870924, oid=144117812300873732, osd=11, stripe=0
            obj=536870924.4.33555043.0 }}}
where ''osd=10'' and ''osd=11'' identify the storing OSD of each file copy. IDs are looked up using `osd listo -ip`.

== osd wipecandidates ==
# osd wipe io
# osd wipe iokaste
            [ some waiting time ]
RXOSD_wipe_candidates failed with code -1
Request aborted.
# osd wipe /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2
(no error output)
# osd wipe io 0
# osd wipe io 1
# osd wipe io 2
0 Jan 24 16:03 4209654 536870924.4.33555043.0 536870924.4.33555043
# osd wipe io 3
0 Jan 28 15:31 4209654 536870924.4.33555043.0 536870924.4.33555043
# osd wipe io 4
RXOSD_wipe_candidates failed with code 5
Request aborted. }}}
 Note:: The last request propably failed because there was no /vicepe/AFSIDat/ directory on io at the time.
 Note:: Using a filename as the only argument to `osd wipe` should have at least yielded an error similar to when using ''iokaste'' (which is not an OSD server).
 Note:: The entries for io/2 and io/3 are the two copies of the file created above.

== fs wipe ==
# fs wipe mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2
Could not wipe mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2, error code was 22 }}}
 Note:: This appears to be the default answer to a tried wipe of a file that has not yet been archived using `fs archive`.

== osd volumes ==
# osd volumes io
1 volumes found:
That's the same VolID as in AFS:
# vos listvl
VLDB entries for all servers

    RWrite: 536870924
    number of sites -> 1
       server iokaste.ifh.de partition /vicepa RW Site

    RWrite: 536870921
    number of sites -> 1
       server iokaste.ifh.de partition /vicepa RW Site

Total entries: 2

 Note:: This information seems to be persistent, even after removing all of a volume's files from Object Storage: {{{
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 0
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 1
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 2
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 3
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 4
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 5
0 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 0
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 1
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 2
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 3
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 4
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found }}}

== osd objects ==
Both volume and partition are needed:
# osd obj io 536870924
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found

# osd obj io 536870924 2
536870924.4.33555043.0 fid 536870924.4.611 tag 0 not-striped lng 4209654 lc 1
1 object(s) with totally 4209654 bytes for volume 536870924 found
 Note:: Without specifying a lun, the default of 0 (vicepa) is used.

== osd examine ==
This command also has issues with missing LUNs: {{{
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd exa io 536870924.6.621.0
RXOSD_examine failed with code 5
Request aborted.
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd exa io 536870924.6.621.0 -lun 4
536870924.6.621.0 fid 536870924.6.621 tag 0 not-striped lng 44537893 lc 1 Feb 21 13:53 }}}

== osd read ==
This works for unstriped files, but suffers from the "missing LUN syndrome" as well: {{{
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd read io 536870924.6.621
RX xdr error
Cannot read the object
rx_EndCall returns: 5
Request aborted.
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd read io 536870924.6.621 0 512 -lun 4
sscanf failed at offset (0x0, 0x0) [1177711200] LOG ROTATION: DAILY
[1177711200] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: a;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.13 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: amafs;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.14 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: aphrodite;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.54 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: aquila;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.25 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: ares;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.
reading of 512 bytes took 0.003 sec.
Total data rate = 180 Kbytes/sec. for read. }}}
 Note:: '''0''' and '''512''' in example 2 are ''offset'' and ''bytes to read'', resp.

= Case study: Creating a big, striped file =
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # fs creates striped-ascii-44m 2 12
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # cp /root/nagios-04-29-2007-00.log striped-ascii-44m
  [ took about 3 seconds ]
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # fs osd striped-ascii-44m
striped-ascii-44m has 172 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=2, strsize=4096, cop=1, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=576463393708310532, osd=12, stripe=0
            pid=536870924, oid=2882306402922004484, osd=11, stripe=1
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 3
536870924.4.671089255.0 fid 536870924.4.615 tag 0 1/2/4096 lng 22267941 lc 1
1 object(s) with totally 22267941 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 4
536870924.4.134218343.0 fid 536870924.4.615 tag 0 0/2/4096 lng 22269952 lc 1
1 object(s) with totally 22269952 bytes for volume 536870924 found
 Note:: The lengths ('''lng''') of both objects amount to the size of the stored file: `22267941 + 22269952 = 44537893`.

First attempt at reading from an object directly: {{{
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd read -server io -fid 536870924.4.134218343.0 -offset 0 -length 1024 -lun 3 -rxdebug debug.out
RX xdr error
Cannot read the object
rx_EndCall returns: 5
Request aborted.
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # cat debug.out
 1203598296.452:rx_NewConnection(host 6416228d, port 25371, service 900, securityObject 9f72710, serviceSecurityIndex 2)

 1203598296.453:rx_MakeCall(conn 9f73948)

 1203598296.453:Alloc 9f84220, class 1

 1203598296.453:S 1 data: 6416228d.25371.1.3065751495.3809172764.1.1 flags 5, packet 9f84220 resend 1203598298.453 len 836
 1203598296.453:R 1 challenge: 6416228d.25371.900.-1229215801.-485794532.0.0 flags 0, packet 9f661b0
 1203598296.453:S 2 response: 6416228d.25371.2.3065751495.3809172764.0.0 flags 1, packet 9f661b0 resend 0.000 len 307
 1203598296.454:R 2 abort: 6416228d.25371.900.-1229215801.-485794532.1.0 flags 0, packet 9f661b0
 1203598296.454:rx_EndCall(call 9f84898) }}}

All tries to perform `osd read` or `osd psread` failed. There may be no way to directly access striped objects '''(?)'''


Important notes

On iokaste, /root/.zshenv now contains



Currently io runs an rxosd and a Heimdal KDC and the SL5 openafs client.

iokaste runs fileserver, vldbserver, osdserver and ptserver, all OSD-aware, as is the client.

Both run openafs-1.4.6, the servers being compiled with OSD patch.

Building OpenAFS-OSD

In the openafs-1.4.5-osd directory:

./configure --enable-bitmap-later --enable-bos-restricted-mode --enable-bos-new-config --enable-fast-restart --enable-supergroups --enable-largefile-fileserver --enable-transarc-paths --with-krb5-conf

Enabeling the client

  • From the source directory copy

    • (where 2.6.18-8.1.15.el5-MP is the kernel version)


  • depmod 
  • reboot
  • launch afsd


Missing token is not handled well

{{{ $ osd volumes io -lun 1 RX xdr error Cannot list volumes Request aborted.

$ osd createv io 1 536870924 Createvolume failed: RXOSD_create_part ended with 13 Request aborted.}}}


fs createstripedfile

creating mirrored files

{{{ # fs creates /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored-file 1 14 -copies 2 }}} where 1 is the number of stripes and 14 is log_2(stripesize in bytes).

Allowed exponents are 12..19, allowing stripe sizes 4kB..512kB.

The above command created an unstriped but mirrored file.

creating striped files

This is how we created the first striped file:

# fs creates /afs/desytest/osdtest/striped_file_1 2 14

We stored a kernel image inside:

# cp /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5 striped_file_1
# mv striped_file_1 vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5
# ll
total 7615
-rw-r--r-- 1 bin root  417032 Jan 14 14:54 libafs.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 bin root 5612872 Jan 28 15:31 mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 bin root 1765652 Feb 14 13:37 vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5
# fs osd vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5 
vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5 has 172 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=2, strsize=16384, cop=1, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=720578573194231814, osd=12, stripe=0 
            pid=536870924, oid=3026421582407925766, osd=11, stripe=1 

As the stripes were put in OSDs 11 and 12 respectively:

# osd listo
 id name(loc)     ---total space---      flag  prior. own.  server lun size range
  1 local_disk                                 wr  rd                 (0kb-1mb)
  8 io_a             279 gb   0.0 % up   hsm   50   0     io.ifh.d  0 (1mb-64gb)
  9 io_b             279 gb   0.0 % up   hsm   50   0     io.ifh.d  1 (1mb-64gb)
 10 io_c             279 gb   0.0 % up   hsm   50   0     io.ifh.d  2 (1mb-64gb)
 11 io_d             279 gb   0.0 % up   hsm   50   0     io.ifh.d  3 (1mb-64gb)
 12 io_e             278 gb   0.0 % up   hsm   50   0     io.ifh.d  4 (1mb-64gb)
# osd vol io 
1 volumes found:
# osd obj io 536870924 3
536870924.4.33555043.0 fid 536870924.4.611 tag 0 not-striped lng 4209654 lc 1
536870924.6.704643685.0 fid 536870924.6.613 tag 0 1/2/16384 lng 880916 lc 1
536870924.4.704643683.1 fid 536870924.4.611 tag 1 1/2/16384 lng 0 lc 1
3 object(s) with totally 5090570 bytes for volume 536870924 found
# osd obj io 536870924 4
536870924.4.167772771.0 fid 536870924.4.611 tag 0 0/2/16384 lng 0 lc 1
536870924.6.167772773.0 fid 536870924.6.613 tag 0 0/2/16384 lng 884736 lc 1
2 object(s) with totally 884736 bytes for volume 536870924 found 

The first file on io/3 (vicepd) belongs to the mirrored file created above, not the striped file.

adding segments to an existing OSD file

# fs creates /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2 2 14
File /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2 already exists. Create new segment? (Y|N)
# fs osd mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2 
mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2 has 436 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 3 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=5612872, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=16384, cop=2, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=144117812300873732, osd=10, stripe=0 
            pid=536870924, oid=144117812300873732, osd=11, stripe=0 
        lng=5612872, offs=5612872, stripes=2, strsize=16384, cop=1, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=720578564604297220, osd=12, stripe=0 
            pid=536870924, oid=3026421573885100036, osd=11, stripe=1 
        lng=0, offs=5612872, stripes=2, strsize=16384, cop=1, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=720578564671406084, osd=12, stripe=0 
            pid=536870924, oid=3026421573952208900, osd=11, stripe=1 

fs osd

{{{ # fs osd /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored-file /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored-file has 172 bytes of osd metadata, v=3 On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0

  • segment:
    • lng=0, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=16384, cop=2, 2 objects object:
      • pid=536870924, oid=144117812300873732, osd=10, stripe=0 obj=536870924.4.33555043.0
      • pid=536870924, oid=144117812300873732, osd=11, stripe=0 obj=536870924.4.33555043.0 }}}

where osd=10 and osd=11 identify the storing OSD of each file copy. IDs are looked up using osd listo -ip.

osd wipecandidates

# osd wipe io
# osd wipe iokaste
            [ some waiting time ]
RXOSD_wipe_candidates failed with code -1
Request aborted.
# osd wipe /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2
(no error output)
# osd wipe io 0
# osd wipe io 1
# osd wipe io 2
0  Jan 24 16:03      4209654 536870924.4.33555043.0 536870924.4.33555043
# osd wipe io 3
0  Jan 28 15:31      4209654 536870924.4.33555043.0 536870924.4.33555043
# osd wipe io 4
RXOSD_wipe_candidates failed with code 5
Request aborted. 
The last request propably failed because there was no /vicepe/AFSIDat/ directory on io at the time.

Using a filename as the only argument to osd wipe should have at least yielded an error similar to when using iokaste (which is not an OSD server).

The entries for io/2 and io/3 are the two copies of the file created above.

fs wipe

# fs wipe mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2
Could not wipe mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2, error code was 22 

This appears to be the default answer to a tried wipe of a file that has not yet been archived using fs archive.

osd volumes

# osd volumes io
1 volumes found:

That's the same VolID as in AFS:

# vos listvl
VLDB entries for all servers 

    RWrite: 536870924 
    number of sites -> 1
       server iokaste.ifh.de partition /vicepa RW Site 

    RWrite: 536870921 
    number of sites -> 1
       server iokaste.ifh.de partition /vicepa RW Site 

Total entries: 2

This information seems to be persistent, even after removing all of a volume's files from Object Storage:

[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 0
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 1
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 2
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 3
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 4
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 5
0 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 0
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 1
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 2
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924  
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 3
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 4
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found 

osd objects

Both volume and partition are needed:

# osd obj io 536870924
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found

# osd obj io 536870924 2
536870924.4.33555043.0 fid 536870924.4.611 tag 0 not-striped lng 4209654 lc 1
1 object(s) with totally 4209654 bytes for volume 536870924 found
Without specifying a lun, the default of 0 (vicepa) is used.

osd examine

This command also has issues with missing LUNs:

[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd exa io 536870924.6.621.0           
RXOSD_examine failed with code 5
Request aborted.
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd exa io 536870924.6.621.0 -lun 4
536870924.6.621.0 fid 536870924.6.621 tag 0 not-striped lng 44537893 lc 1 Feb 21 13:53 

osd read

This works for unstriped files, but suffers from the "missing LUN syndrome" as well:

[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd read io 536870924.6.621       
RX xdr error
Cannot read the object
rx_EndCall returns:  5
Request aborted.
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd read io 536870924.6.621 0 512 -lun 4
sscanf failed at offset (0x0, 0x0) [1177711200] LOG ROTATION: DAILY
[1177711200] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: a;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.13 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: amafs;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.14 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: aphrodite;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.54 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: aquila;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.25 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: ares;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.
reading of 512 bytes took 0.003 sec.
Total data rate = 180 Kbytes/sec. for read. 

0 and 512 in example 2 are offset and bytes to read, resp.

Case study: Creating a big, striped file

[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # fs creates striped-ascii-44m 2 12
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # cp /root/nagios-04-29-2007-00.log striped-ascii-44m
  [ took about 3 seconds ]
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # fs osd striped-ascii-44m 
striped-ascii-44m has 172 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=2, strsize=4096, cop=1, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=576463393708310532, osd=12, stripe=0 
            pid=536870924, oid=2882306402922004484, osd=11, stripe=1 
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 3
536870924.4.671089255.0 fid 536870924.4.615 tag 0 1/2/4096 lng 22267941 lc 1
1 object(s) with totally 22267941 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 4
536870924.4.134218343.0 fid 536870924.4.615 tag 0 0/2/4096 lng 22269952 lc 1
1 object(s) with totally 22269952 bytes for volume 536870924 found

The lengths (lng) of both objects amount to the size of the stored file: 22267941 + 22269952 = 44537893.

First attempt at reading from an object directly:

[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd read -server io -fid 536870924.4.134218343.0 -offset 0 -length 1024 -lun 3 -rxdebug debug.out
RX xdr error
Cannot read the object
rx_EndCall returns:  5
Request aborted.
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # cat debug.out 
 1203598296.452:rx_NewConnection(host 6416228d, port 25371, service 900, securityObject 9f72710, serviceSecurityIndex 2)

 1203598296.453:rx_MakeCall(conn 9f73948)

 1203598296.453:Alloc 9f84220, class 1

 1203598296.453:S 1 data: 6416228d.25371.1.3065751495.3809172764.1.1 flags 5, packet 9f84220 resend 1203598298.453 len 836
 1203598296.453:R 1 challenge: 6416228d.25371.900.-1229215801.-485794532.0.0 flags 0, packet 9f661b0
 1203598296.453:S 2 response: 6416228d.25371.2.3065751495.3809172764.0.0 flags 1, packet 9f661b0 resend 0.000 len 307
 1203598296.454:R 2 abort: 6416228d.25371.900.-1229215801.-485794532.1.0 flags 0, packet 9f661b0
 1203598296.454:rx_EndCall(call 9f84898) 

All tries to perform osd read or osd psread failed. There may be no way to directly access striped objects (?)

AfsOsd (last edited 2009-08-17 16:11:48 by WaltrautNiepraschk)