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Design decisions


  1. Queries for RPM packages. The initial idea was a construct like {{{ map { chomp; $installed{$_} = 1 } $rpm -qa;

}}} which would have allowed a fast and elegant check like use_service($service_name) if $installed{$package};. This would, however, require exact package names including version numbers in announce_nagios (like firefox-1.0.8-1.4.1.SL3.1.i386). BRSo i chose a different mode of retrieval of the packages installed: {{{ my $installed = 'XxX'.$rpm -qa; $installed =~ s/\n/XxX/g; }}} to allow a more flexible, yet slower query like use_service($service_name) if $installed =~ /XxX$package/;

SNMP trapping

Sun v20z keeps sending mystery traps. Normally, all SP-EVENT traps are supposed to be located under . (SP-MasterAgent-MIB::spEvent), we receive traps with the all-too-short OID of . (SP-MasterAgent-MIB::newisys), which is the beginning of Sun's (?) enterprise tree. The cause might be a bug in trapd2. TODO:

  1. check back with nino and upgrade the original trapd :(

  2. try and debug our solution (./)

  3. apply a workaround: it may well be possible that appending . to the OIDs will have the traps make more sense. Still, no variables were ever received along a trap like that, and nothing appeared in any logs on the source machines, so they may still remain inconclusive :\

conclusion: Some debugging suggested that the traps in questions are not truncated or misinterpreted but indeed malformed and inconclusive. Two flavors of truncated MIB have been seen so far:

A workaround similar to the one described in 3 is still possible, but chances are the traps won't tell us much.


FelixFrank (last edited 2006-05-12 13:24:56 by FelixFrank)