Revision 1 as of 2013-01-25 11:30:46

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Java under Scientific Linux

Sun's Java 6 will hit its end of life at the end of 02/2013, there will be no more security updates for this software after that date. It is the default Java runtime on our Scientific Linux machines and a replacement for SL5/SL6 is needed.


The following versions of Java are currently available on Scientific Linux at DESY:

Package Types

Java can be installed from the following package types:

Current Status



Important applications using Java

After Java 6 EOL

The official rpm packages from Oracle are not suited for installation of more than one version. JPackage compatible packages allow easy coexistence of Red Hat Openjdk and proprietary JREs. Oracle Java 1.7.0 works with the tested applications. Openjdk version of javaws is only available on SL6 and depends on Openjdk 6, so this would be needed in addition to the latest Java version 7. There is no important application known depending on the firefox plugin.



User testing needed

Scientific Linux users can test Java 7 already on the machines lx64 (SL5, 64 bit) and sl6.