Revision 2 as of 2011-11-21 12:16:29

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Konfigurationsmanagement mit VAMOS, Subversion, SUE und Cfengine

Beschreibung von SUE/SVN

SUE Subversion Server

Konfiguration der Host Systeme

/usr/sue/sbin/sue.bootstrap -h
        -d|-v     set debug mode
        -w        use web client, overriding "clever" autodetection
                  only allowed without option 'H' and 'P'
        -h        show usage
        -H <host> run sue.bootstrap for an other host (installation,no all checks),
                  not in combination with option 'w'
        -P <path> generating sue env for an other host in this working directory,
                  mandatory for option 'H'

/usr/sue/sbin/ -h
  check network connection, the availability of the svn server,
  runs 'svn checkout; sue.bootstrap' and then with the given mode
  informs 'scout' in case of problems
        -d      set debug mode, no delay
        -v      set verbose mode (more cfengine output), no delay
        -n      set noaction mode, implied debug mode 
        -s      skip sue.bootstrap
        -m <mode>       set mode: full,boot or update
                nightly run in full mode with delay
                run in boot mode without delay
                default daily run in update mode
                  daily run can switch to full mode with
                  touchfeatures -F ALL ...
        -h      show usage

Umstellung auf SUE/SVN Umgebung auf einem Linux Host

Updates per Cron-Jobs

tagsüber nur per workflow angestoßene Features (6-23 Uhr alle 10 Minuten)

   /products/sue/etc/touchfeatures -F list_of_features [-H list_of_hosts] [-N list_of_netgroups]

Vollständiger Lauf (ab 3 Uhr mit Verzögerung)

Nutzung von SVN

Erste Benutzung von SUE/SVN

Einchecken neuer Features

    /usr/sue/sbin/sue.update -n [-v] <feature>

Änderungen an Features, die schon im SVN verwaltet werden
