Notes about setting up a Moin-1.5.3 Wiki Farm on SL4 with these features: * Apache/SSL * mod_python * multiple wikis [[TableOfContents]] == install Apache with SSL support == {{{ rm -rf /etc/httpd yum -y install httpd system-config-httpd mod_python mod_ssl mod_auth_kerb /sbin/service httpd start }}} Check that http and https work. A dummy certificate is ceated automatically during mod_ssl installation. == TODO == * htdocs/index.html should be adapted * apache config to redirect everything to http * share the underlay directories * farmconfig? or stay with one mod_python instance per wiki (safer?) == moin basic installation (single wiki, CGI) == {{{ cd /tmp tar xvfz moin-1.5.3.tar.gz cd moin-1.5.3 python --quiet install --prefix=/usr1/moin --record=/tmp/moin.inst.log }}} Create a Wiki instance: {{{ cd /usr1/moin/share/moin mkdir testwiki cp -a data underlay testwiki mkdir testwiki/cgi-bin cp server/moin.cgi testwiki/cgi-bin cp config/ testwiki chown -R apache:apache testwiki chmod -R ug+rwX testwiki chmod -R o-rwx testwiki }}} Deal with SELinux: {{{ chcon -R system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t /usr1/moin chcon -R system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_script_exec_t testwiki/cgi-bin chcon system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t /usr1 }}} The last one is important, or apache cannot access the wiki. * => better have a separate filesystem under / for that These lines are needed in testwiki/cgi-bin/moin.cgi: {{{ sys.path.insert(0, '/usr1/moin/share/moin/testwiki') sys.path.insert(0, '/usr1/moin/lib/python2.3/site-packages') }}} Edit {{{ sitename = u'Test Wiki' page_front_page = u"TestWiki" data_dir = '/usr1/moin/share/moin/testwiki/data/' data_underlay_dir = '/usr1/moin/share/moin/testwiki/underlay/' }}} The default of './data' for data_dir and './underlay' for data_underlay_dir doesn't work. The paths are relative to the cgi executable, hence would need to be '../data' etc. Create /etc/httpd/conf.d/moin.conf: {{{ Alias /wiki/ "/usr1/moin/share/moin/htdocs/" Order deny,allow Allow from all ScriptAlias /testwiki "/usr1/moin/share/moin/testwiki/cgi-bin/moin.cgi" Order deny,allow Allow from all }}} == mod_python == Simply change the Apache config to this: {{{ Alias /wiki/ "/usr1/moin/share/moin/htdocs/" Order deny,allow Allow from all SetHandler python-program # Add the path of your wiki directory PythonPath "['/usr1/moin/share/moin/testwiki', '/usr1/moin/lib/python2.3/site-packages'] + sys.path" PythonHandler PythonInterpreter testwiki }}} So instead of the ScriptAlias we define a Location and heve it handled by mod_python. The PythonInterpreter directive is not needed if just a single Wiki is set up, but it's crucial if multiple wikis are used: == add another Wiki == Simply create another directory: {{{ cd usr1/moin/share/moin mkdir DVInfo cp -a data underlay DVInfo cp testwiki/ DVInfo chown -R apache:apache DVInfo chmod -R ug+rwX DVInfo chmod -R o-rwx DVInfo }}} The selinux context should be correct without having to chcon. Now Make the obvious changes in DVInfo/ and create Apache configuration for the wiki in /etc/httpd/conf.d/moin-DVInfo.conf: {{{ SetHandler python-program # Add the path of your wiki directory PythonPath "['/usr1/moin/share/moin/DVInfo', '/usr1/moin/lib/python2.3/site-packages'] + sys.path" PythonHandler PythonInterpreter DVInfo }}} Don't forget the last directive, or the subinterpreters for the wikis will share a single namespace. This doesn't work well...