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Remote Login Service

WARP - The Concept for Remote Login Service with more Safety

Remote login with SSH

The SSH is available from outside to DESY Zeuthen on the following public login hosts

SSH Login without Password

For security reasons SSH key authentication is not allowed for remote sessions from the Internet. They're also mostly useless internally.

Passwordless access is possible using GSSAPI authentication. This requires a Kerberos 5 ticket for our realm (see /etc/krb5.conf on one of our systems for a configuration example) and the use of the openssh options GSSAPIAuthentication and GSSAPIDelegateCredentials (recent versions enable both with the -K parameter).

Helpful links

Web based Client

Only for the cases that you don't have a chance to use a local client this service is offered. Be aware that the terminal emulation is limited, so special character support, ECS sequences and menu driven software may not work a aspected. The link will open a new browser window. You get a terminal session on the pal cluster in DESY Hamburg.