Differences between revisions 43 and 44
Revision 43 as of 2009-08-20 11:12:39
Size: 34207
Revision 44 as of 2010-01-06 16:54:40
Size: 28648
Comment: a->pallas, new system repos, some more updates, removed cruft
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 9: Line 9:
=== Caveats ===

The following classes of systems need some extra attention for installation:
 * systems running with '''eth1 but no eth0''' (globes - SUN V65x)
  * there's a "globe" post script now to handle this
  * {OK} seems no longer to be a problem with SL4
 * systems running with '''eth0, but having additional interfaces recognized as eth0''' by anaconda
  * picus1,2: there's a "e1000-no-e100" post script for those
  * fatmans: there's an "acenic-no-e100" post script for those
  * {OK} SL4 seems to give e1000 priority over e100
 * systems with '''recent nvidia graphics'''
  * Dell Precision 370/380/390: this requires the proprietary driver in order to run
  any mode except 1280x1024@60Hz (achieved by setting `CF_yumsel_host="nvidia 90"`),
  which is still slightly experimental
  * {OK} no longer an issue on SL5, but we still prefer the nvidia driver
 * '''Dell Precision 380''': A BIOS bug in versions including A02
 makes SL3 (not SL4/5) kill the mouse and keyboard
 unless some reordering is done in /etc/modules.conf, which can be achieved by adding `pr380-usb`
 to `$cfg{POSTINSTALL_SCRIPTS}` in the CKS file
 * systems with certain ethernet cards anaconda has a problem to get up the second time
  * {OK} this problem seems to have vanished with SL 3.0.5
  * Dell 2850: workaround is to put the ks.cfg file onto a floppy
  and boot with "ks=floppy", or to pack a special initrd with the
  ks.cfg in the root filesystem and boot with ks=file, or to use
  the -local option to SLU
Line 44: Line 18:
installation server, a.ifh.de, in /nfs1/a/SL. The host profiles for installation server, pallas.ifh.de, in /nfs1/pallas/SL. The host profiles for
Line 47: Line 21:
/nfs1/a/SL6/post and /project/linux/SL/firstboot (both accessible through the http server running on a).
More files, and most utility scripts, are located in
/project/linux/SL/firstboot (accessible through the http server running on pallas).
More files, and most utility scripts, are located in /project/linux/SL.
Line 163: Line 136:
/products/ai/scripts/ai-start which will NFS-export a certain directory
to mentor, put an SSL public key there, and ask triton to crypt the
credentials with that key and copy them into the directory. If after
the installation the host has its credentials, it worked and no other
/products/ai/scripts/ai-web which will retrieve a tarball with these keys and
a few other files from the install server. This works only once after each `prepare-ai`
for a host. If after the installation the host has its credentials, it worked and no other
Line 204: Line 176:
 Images are /nfs/a/SL/<release>/<arch>/images/SL/boot.iso  Images are http://pallas/SL/<release>/<arch>/images/SL/boot.iso
Line 210: Line 182:
  At the boot prompt enter "linux ks=http://a.ifh.de/SL/profiles/"   At the boot prompt enter "linux ks=http://pallas.ifh.de/SL/profiles/"
Line 243: Line 215:
  As root on a, run   As root on pallas, run
Line 257: Line 229:
next-server; next-server;
Line 273: Line 245:

 * GRUB Floppy

 As a last resort, one can try the grub floppy. This method will
 obtain the kernel and the initrd by tftp, hence a matching link
 has to exist in /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg on the install server.

 If the host has a working dhcp entry, just boot the default entry
 on the floppy. If it doesn't select the other entry, hit 'e' to get
 into the editor, replace all "x" and "y" in the templates for
 IP addresses and netmasks, and finally hit "b" to boot the modified

 The network drivers in GRUB only work for older cards. This is no
 problem because the more recent ones support PXE anyway.

 In particular, the 3C905 in PIII desktop PCs (najade or older PIII 750)
 is supported.

 The floppy image is located in /project/linux/SL/Floppy. To adapt it
 to a new SL release or install kernel, simply loop mount the image and
 make the obvious changes in boot/grub/menu.lst.

=== System/Boot Method Matrix ===

 ||<rowstyle="background-color: #E0E0FF;"> ||Script || CD || Floppy || PXE ||
 || older systems ||yes || maybe || yes || no ||
 || PIII 750 desktop ||yes || some(1) || yes || no(2) ||
 || Najade (PIII 850) ||yes || some(1) || yes || no(2) ||
 || Nereide (P4 1700) ||yes || yes || ? || ? ||
 || Oceanide (P4 2400) ||yes || yes || ? || yes ||
 || all Dell desktops ||yes || yes || no || yes ||
 || ice (intel serverboard) ||yes || yes || yes || yes ||
 || Supermicro PIII ||yes || yes || no || no ||
 || Supermicro Xeon ||yes || yes || no || no ||
 || globe (SUN V65x) ||yes || yes || no || yes ||
 || heliade (SUN V20z) ||yes || yes || no || yes ||
 || galaxy (SUN X4100) ||yes || yes || no || yes ||
 || Dell 1850 ||yes || yes || no || yes ||
 || Dell 2850 ||yes(3) || yes(3) || no || yes(3)||
 || Dell 9G Servers (1950...) ||yes || yes || no || yes ||

 (1) This seems to depend on the motherboard and/or BIOS revision.
 In fact, some 850MHz models won't boot from CD while there are
 older 750MHz systems that will.

 (2) The PXE implementation in the MBA has a bug: It does not recognize
 the next-server argument and always tries to download the Loader
 from the same server that sent the DHCP offer. Hence these systems
 can be PXE-booted by setting up a special DHCP&TFTP server.

 (3) Anaconda up to and including at least SL 3.0.4 has a problem to get
 up the NIC a second time. Workarounds include putting the ks.cfg on
 a floppy or into the initrd, or using the -local switch to SL3U.pl.
 Fixed in recent SL3 releases (3.0.7 is ok, maybe 3.0.5 was as well).
Line 363: Line 280:
||<tablestyle="width: 100%; background-color: #E0E0FF;"> <!> For yum on SL3, the command to create the necessary repository data is `yum-arch <dir>`<<BR>> For SL4/5, it is `createrepo <dir>`<<BR>><<BR>> (!) Running the script `/project/linux/SL/scripts/UpdateRepo.pl -x /packages/RPMS/<sys>/System[.bulk]` '''on a''' will do the right things to update the yum repodata, the repoview data accessible from [[Local_Linux_Repositories]], and release the right afs volumes.||

Errata are synced to a with /project/linux/SL/scripts/sync-a.pl (still manually).
||<tablestyle="width: 100%; background-color: #E0E0FF;"> <!> For yum on SL3, the command to create the necessary repository data is `yum-arch <dir>`<<BR>> For SL4/5, it is `createrepo <dir>`<<BR>><<BR>> (!) Running the script `/project/linux/SL/scripts/UpdateRepo.pl -x </path/to/repo>` '''on pallas''' will do the right things to update the yum repodata, the repoview data accessible from [[Local_Linux_Repositories]], and release the right afs volumes where applicable.||

Errata are synced to pallas with /project/linux/SL/scripts/sync-pallas.pl (still manually).
Line 376: Line 293:
Most of these are found in /afs/ifh.de/packages/RPMS/@sys/System,
with their (no)src rpms in /afs/ifh.de/packages/SRPMS and the source
tarballs in /afs/ifh.de/packages/SOURCES. Some come from external
These are generally found in `/nfs1/pallas/SL/Z`, with their (no)src rpms in
/afs/ifh.de/packages/SRPMS/System` and the source
tarballs in `/afs/ifh.de/packages/SOURCES` (for .nosrc.rpms). Some come from external
Line 383: Line 300:
Available subdirectories under Z:

||<rowstyle="background-color: #EBEBFF"> Path || Repo used by || Intended Use ||
|| `common` || <!> ''all'' systems || really common packages ||
|| `5/noarch` || all SL5 systems ||<|3> typical addons for a major release ||
|| `5/i386` || all 32-bit SL5 systems ||
|| `5/x86_64` || all 64-bit SL5 systems ||
|| `54/noarch` || all SL5.4 systems ||<|3> bug fixes included in next release<<BR>><<BR>> new addons incompatible with last release ||
|| `54/i386` || all 32-bit SL5.4 systems ||
|| `54/x86_64` || all 64-bit SL5.4 systems ||
Line 385: Line 313:
cd /afs/.ifh.de/packages/RPMS/@sys/System
yum-arch . # SL3
createrepo . # SL4/5
arcx vos release $PWD
/project/linux/SL/scripts/UpdateRepo.pl -x /path/to/repo
Line 398: Line 323:
These packages reside in directories SL/<release>/<arch>_extra/<name> These packages reside in directories `Z/<major release>/extra/<arch>/<name>`
Line 400: Line 325:
3.0.4/i386 would be in /nfs/a/SL/304/i386_extra/afs1213 . To have SL3/i386 would be in /nfs1/pallas/SL/Z/3/extra/i386/afs1213 . To have
Line 408: Line 333:
To make available packages in such a repository, you must yum-arch (SL3) or createrepo (SL4) the
*sub*directory (not <arch>_extra).
To make available packages in such a repository, you must provide the full path, including the
*sub*directory, to the repo update script:
/project/linux/SL/scripts/UpdateRepo.pl -x /nfs1/pallas/SL/Z/3/extra/i386/afs1213
Line 496: Line 424:
These modules are still required for SL3 in particular for the PITZ control systems.
Handling is somewhat different on SL5. We don't provide these for SL4.

===== SL3 =====

Note that SL5-only changes went into the SRPM between nvidia-driver-1.0.9631-1.SLZ
and -5.SLZ, hence only the former should be used.

Again, similar to alsa. Maybe a bit simpler since the spec will deal
with the kernel sources correctly and without further attention (it
makes a copy of the source directory and then does the right thing).

 a.#1 install the right kernel-source package (there's a build requirement)

 a.#2 install the srpm:
rpm -ivh /packages/SRPMS/System/nvidia-driver-1.0.7174-3.src.rpm

 a.#3 build (on an SMP system, on a UP system the define changes accordingly):
rpmbuild -ba nvidia-driver-1.0.7174-3.spec
  * on i386, will build i386 userspace packages
  * on x86_64, will build userspace and kernel package for current kernel
rpmbuild -bb --target i686 nvidia-driver-1.0.7174-3.spec
  * on i386, will build kernel module for running kernel
rpmbuild -bb --target i686 --define 'kernel 2.4.21-27.0.2.EL' ...
  * on i686, will build kernel module for other kernels
rpmbuild -bb --define 'kernel ...' --define 'build_module 1' nvidia...
  * on x86_64, will build kernel module for other kernel

 a.#4 copy the .rpms to /afs/.ifh.de/packages/@sys/System/nvidia, yum-arch and release

===== SL5 =====
These are no longer provided for SL3/4.
Line 564: Line 452:

Since SL5.4, no additional kernel-module package is needed any longer because the module is now part of the EL kernel. For the time being, a dummy module is still provided.
Line 583: Line 473:
 * Add an according line to ~TARCH/exports/a/etc/exports, then sue.update exports
Line 586: Line 475:
chgrp sysprog /nfs1/a/SL/44
chmod g+w /nfs1/a/SL/44
setfacl -m g:sysprog:rwx /nfs1/a/SL/44
setfacl -m d:g:sysprog:rwx /nfs1/a/SL/44
chcon system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t nfs1/a/SL/44
chgrp sysprog /nfs1/pallas/SL/44
chmod g+w /nfs1/pallas/SL/44
getfacl /nfs1/pallas/SL/43 | setfacl --set-file=- /nfs1/pallas/SL/44
chcon system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t /nfs1/pallas/SL/44
Line 594: Line 482:
 * Modify sync-a.pl to include the new release. Now sync-a.pl (do a dryrun first, and look wether  * Modify sync-pallas.pl to include the new release. Now sync-pallas.pl (do a dryrun first, and look wether
Line 596: Line 484:
 * If you're using x0rolling for testing, make a link like this:  * If you're using xrolling for testing, make a link like this:
Line 600: Line 488:
 * Check access through NFS and http

'''Step 2: Create empty extra postinstall repositories'''

Note: as of SL 3.0.5, these are no longer used and no longer included
in the yum.conf automatically created.

mkdir /nfs1/a/SL/44/i386_post
cd /nfs1/a/SL/44/i386_post
yum-arch-dl5 .
createrepo .

mkdir /nfs1/a/SL/44/x86_64_post
cd /nfs1/a/SL/44/x86_64_post
yum-arch-dl5 .
createrepo .

If some packages are needed at this stage, of course put them there...

'''Step 3: Create staged errata directories'''
 * Check access through http

'''Step 2: Create staged errata directories'''
Line 631: Line 496:
'''Step 4: Make the kernel/initrd available by TFTP for PXE boot''' '''Step 3: Make the kernel/initrd available by TFTP for PXE boot'''
Line 641: Line 506:
'''Step 5: Make the release available in VAMOS''' '''Step 4: Make the release available in VAMOS'''
Line 647: Line 512:
'''Step 6: test''' '''Step 5: test'''



SL hosts are installed using kickstart

The repository is mirrored from the ftp server at FNAL and is located on the installation server, pallas.ifh.de, in /nfs1/pallas/SL. The host profiles for the kickstart install are kept in /project/linux/SL/profiles, and some files needed during the postinstallation, before the AFS client is available, in /project/linux/SL/firstboot (accessible through the http server running on pallas). More files, and most utility scripts, are located in /project/linux/SL.

Installation takes the following steps:

  • Configure the host in VAMOS
    This is important, because several variables must be set correctly since they are needed by the tools used in the following steps.

  • Create a system profile
    Using CKS, information from VAMOS and possibly from the AMS directory or the live host, a kickstart file is generated that will steer the installation process.

  • Activate private key distribution
    Only after this step, the host will be able to request its private keys and initial configuration cache from mentor.

  • Prepare system boot into installation
    Current options include PXE, CD-ROM, and hard disk. Other possible methods like USB stick, multiple floppies, or a tftp grub floppy are not yet available.

  • Boot the system into installation

    During boot, the system will load the kernel and initrd made available in step (d). Networking information comes from a DHCP server (possible with all methods) or is provided on the kernel command line (CD-ROM & hard disk methods only). The installation system locates the kickstart profile. Information is from a kernel command line provided by the tftp server (PXE method), manually (CD-ROM method), or the script preparing the hard disk boot. The kickstart profile contains all other information needed, including

    the repository location, partitioning & package selection, and a postinstall script that will do some very basic configuration and retrieve and install a one-time init script. After the first reboot, this init script (executing as the very last one) will retrieve the system's private keys and initial vamos configuration cache, and then bootstrap our site mechanisms for system maintenance.

System Configuration in VAMOS

Choose a default derived from sl3-def. Defaults starting with "sl3-" are 32bit, those starting with "sl3a-" are 64bit. These will mainly differ in the settings for OS_ARCH and AFS_SYSNAME (see the sl3a-mod modifier). 64bit capable systems can run the 32bit version as well. For SL4/5/..., obviously replace sl3 with the appropriate.

OS_ARCH is read by several tools in the following steps to determine what to install. The same is true for CF_SL_release: This variable determines which minor SL release the system will use. Both OS_ARCH and CF_SL_release affect the choice of installation kernel & initrd, installation repository, and yum repositories for updating and installing additional packages.

It should now be safe to do this step without disabling sue on the system, since sue.bootstrap will no longer permit OS_ARCH to change.

Run the Workflow whenever a system changes between major SL releases (say, from SL3 to SL4 or back), since some tools (scout) can only consult the netgroups to decide how things should be done. This is wrongwrongwrong, but ...

Creating System Profiles

This is done with the tool CKS.pl which reads "host.cks" files and creates "host.ks" files from them, using additional information from VAMOS, the AMS directory, or the live system still running SL, as well as pre/post script building blocks from /project/linux/SL/{pre|post}.

CKS.pl is located in /project/linux/SL/scripts, and is fully perldoc'd. There should be a link pointing to it in the profiles directory as well. A sample DEFAULT.cks with many comments is located in the same directory. The only SL4/5-specific option (SELINUX) is documented (and the default is almost certainly right).

To create a profile:

  • You need
    • write access to /project/linux/SL/profiles
    • read access to VAMOS
    • ssh access to the system to install, if it is up and partitions to be kept
  • Go into /project/linux/SL/profiles.
  • Check whether a .cks file for your host exists.
    • If it does, and you find you have to modify the file, make sure it is not a link to some other file before you do so.
    • If it does not, create one by starting with a copy from a similar machine, or a copy of DEFAULT.cks.
    • (!) NO host.cks IS NEEDED AT ALL if you just want to upgrade or reinstall a normal system without changing disk partitioning, since DEFAULT.cks is always read and should cover this case completely.

  • Run CKS.pl, like this: ./CKS.pl host

    <!> Always rerun CKS, even if the existing .cks file looks fine.

    This is because the selection and the postinstall script are copied into the kickstart file, and the old file may no longer be correct.

  • Watch the output. Make sure you understand what the profile is going to do to the machine! If in doubt, read and understand the

    <host>.ks file before actually installing.

    /!\ In particular, make sure you understand the partitioning, and any clearpart statements.

    Other than for DL5, these may wipe the disks even in "interactive" installs!

    Also make sure the SL release and architecture are what you want.

Activating Private Key Distribution

If you followed the instructions above (read the CKS output), you already know what to do:

ssh configsrv sudo prepare-ai <host>

This will activate the one-shot mechanism for giving the host (back) its private keys (root password, kerberos keyfile, vamos/ssh keys, ...). The init script retrieved during postinstall will start the script /products/ai/scripts/ai-web which will retrieve a tarball with these keys and a few other files from the install server. This works only once after each prepare-ai for a host. If after the installation the host has its credentials, it worked and no other system can possibly have them as well. If it hasn't the keys are burned and have to be scrubbed. Hasn't happened yet, but who knows.

If ai-start fails, the system will retry after 5 minutes. Mails will be sent to linuxroot from both triton and the installing system, indicating that this happened. The reason is usually that this step was forgotten. Remember it has to be repeated before every reinstallation. The ai daemon writes a log /var/log/ai/ai_script.log.

Booting the system into installation

There are several options:

  • Perl Script If the system is still running a working SL installation, this is the most convenient and reliable method: After logging on as root, run the script
    /project/linux/SL/scripts/SLU.pl yes please
    and either let the script reboot the system after the countdown, or interrupt the countdown with ^C and reboot (or have the user reboot) later. The script will create an additional, default, boot loader entry to start the installation system. By default, all needed information is appended to the kernel command line, including networking information. Hence not even DHCP is needed. The script comes with full perldoc documentation. Some additional options are available or may even be necessary for certain hosts (see 1.0).

    Images are http://pallas/SL/<release>/<arch>/images/SL/boot.iso The release and arch have to match exactly the planned installation, or the installation system will refuse to work.

    • If the system has a valid DHCP entry (inluding the MAC address):

      At the boot prompt enter "linux ks=http://pallas.ifh.de/SL/profiles/" If the system has more than one network interface, add "ksdevice=link". If the system has more than one network interface *connected*, instead add "ksdevice=eth0" or whatever is appropriate.

    • If the system has no valid DHCP entry yet: You have to add parameters like "ip=141.34.x.y netmask= gateway=141.34.x.1 dns=" Or watch the log on the DHCP server, wait for the unknown MAC to appear, create a working entry for the host in /etc/dhcpd.conf, and restart the dhcp server. If you're quick enough, the client will receive an answer when it retries. Otherwise it has to be booted again. Don't forget to remove the CD before the first reboot, or installation will start all over.
  • PXE This requires entries on both the DHCP and TFTP servers. The client will receive IP, netmask, gateway etc from the DHCP server, plus the information that it should fetch "pxelinux.0" from the TFTP server (actually, a) and run it. Then, pxelinux.0 will request the host configuration file (IP address in hex notation) from the TFTP server (a link in /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/). This will in turn

    tell pxelinux.0 which kernel & initrd to retrieve from the TFTP server, and what parameters the kernel should receive on the command line.

    • TFTP & DHCP (script): As root on pallas, run

      /project/linux/SL/scripts/pxe <host>
      This will add the right link for the system in /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg and also attempt to update the DHCP configuration on the right server.
    • DHCP (manually): If the system has no valid DHCP entry yet, you have to use the last method given above in (b) to find out the MAC and create or complete the entry in the configuration file manually. In addition to IP and MAC, the following parameters have to be supplied:
      filename "pxelinux.0";
      If there was an incomplete entry for the system, these will already be present after running the "pxe" utility script.
    The changes on the DHCP server will be reverted the next time the dhcp feature runs, so no need for cleanup. To get rid of the link in /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg, simply run (as root on z)
    /project/linux/SL/scripts/unpxe <host>
    If the client boots via PXE afterwards, it will pick up the default configuration which tells it to boot from its local disk. Anyway, using PXE is not recommended for systems which have no "one time boot menu" or a "request network boot" key stroke.

Package Handling & Automatic Updates

See the "aaru" feature for how all this (except kernels) is handled.

There are three distinct mechanisms for package handling on the client:

  • aaru (package updates) Handled by the aaru feature, the scripts /sbin/aaru.yum.daily and /sbin/aaru.yum.boot run yum to update installed packages. Yum [2] is told to use specific repository descriptions for these tasks, which are created by /sbin/aaru.yum.create before, according to the values of VAMOS variables OS_ARCH, CF_SL_release, CF_YUM_extrarepos* and CF_DZPM_AGING.
  • yumsel (addition and removal of packages) Handled by the aaru feature, the script /sbin/yumsel installs additional packages or removes installed ones. Configuration files for this task are read from /etc/yumsel.d/, which is populated by /sbin/yumsel.populate before, according to the values of VAMOS variables CF_yumsel_*.
  • KUSL(3) (everything related to kernels) Handled by the kernel feature, this script deals with kernels and related packages (modules, source), according to the values of VAMOS variable Linux_kernel_version and a few others. On SL5, KUSL3 was replaced by KUSL, and this should happen eventually on SL3/4 as well. SL3/4 systems in update class "A" already use KUSL.pl.

SL Standard & Errata Packages

<!> For yum on SL3, the command to create the necessary repository data is yum-arch <dir>
For SL4/5, it is createrepo <dir>

(!) Running the script /project/linux/SL/scripts/UpdateRepo.pl -x </path/to/repo> on pallas will do the right things to update the yum repodata, the repoview data accessible from Local_Linux_Repositories, and release the right afs volumes where applicable.

Errata are synced to pallas with /project/linux/SL/scripts/sync-pallas.pl (still manually). Packages to be installed additionally by /sbin/yumsel or updated by /sbin/aaru.yum.boot and /sbin/aaru.yum.daily are NOT taken from the errata mirror created like this, but instead from "staged errata" directories created (also, still manually) by the script /project/linux/SL/scripts/stage-errata. The sync/stage scripts send mail to linuxroot@ifh.de unless in dryrun mode. The stage_errata script is fully perldoc'ed, the others are too simple.

Addon Packages (Zeuthen)

These are generally found in /nfs1/pallas/SL/Z, with their (no)src rpms in /afs/ifh.de/packages/SRPMS/System and the source tarballs in /afs/ifh.de/packages/SOURCES (for .nosrc.rpms). Some come from external sources like the dag repository (http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/), freshrpms (http://freshrpms.net/) or the SuSE 8.2/9.0 distributions. These latter ones are typically not accompanied by a src rpm.

Available subdirectories under Z:


Repo used by

Intended Use


<!> all systems

really common packages


all SL5 systems

typical addons for a major release


all 32-bit SL5 systems


all 64-bit SL5 systems


all SL5.4 systems

bug fixes included in next release

new addons incompatible with last release


all 32-bit SL5.4 systems


all 64-bit SL5.4 systems

After adding a package, make it available to yum like this:

/project/linux/SL/scripts/UpdateRepo.pl -x /path/to/repo

Selectable Addon Packages (Zeuthen)

There's a way to provide packages in selectable repositories. For example, this was used to install an openafs-1.2.13 update on selected systems while the default for SL3 was still 1.2.11, and we didn't want to have 1.2.13 on every system.

These packages reside in directories Z/<major release>/extra/<arch>/<name> on the installation server. For example, the afs update packages for SL3/i386 would be in /nfs1/pallas/SL/Z/3/extra/i386/afs1213 . To have clients access this repository, set any vamos variable starting with CF_YUM_extrarepos (CF_YUM_extrarepos or CF_YUM_extrarepos_host or ...) to a space separated list of subdirectories in <arch>_extra.

For example, CF_YUM_extrarepos='afs1213' will make aaru.yum.create add this repository (accessible via nf or http) to the host's yum configuration.

To make available packages in such a repository, you must provide the full path, including the *sub*directory, to the repo update script:

/project/linux/SL/scripts/UpdateRepo.pl -x /nfs1/pallas/SL/Z/3/extra/i386/afs1213

Note that matching kernel modules must still reside in a directory searched by the update script (see below). This should generally not cause problems since these aren't updated by yum anyway.

Additional Modules for Kernel Updates

{i} Starting with SL5, KUSL3.pl is being replaced by KUSL.pl. As of May 2007, the new script is still being tested on SL3/4, but eventually should be used on all platforms.

Handled by the kernel feature, the script /usr/sbin/KUSL3.pl reads its information about which kernels to install from VAMOS variables Linux_kernel_version and a few others, and carries out whatever needs to be done in order to install new kernels and remove old ones. The script is perldoc'ed.

Basically, set Linux_kernel_version in VAMOS, and on the host (after a sue.bootstrap) run KUSL3.pl. Make sure you like what it would do, then run KUSL[3].pl -x.

Kernels and additional packages are found in the repository mirror including the errata directory (CF_SL_release is used to find those), and in /afs/ifh.de/packages/RPMS/@sys/System (and some subdirectories).

If the variable Linux_kernel_modules is set to a (whitespace separated) list of module names, KUSL(3) will install (and require the availability of) the corresponding kernel-module rpm. For example, if Linux_kernel_version is 2.4.21-20.0.1.EL 2.4.21-27.0.2.EL, and Linux_kernel_modules is foo bar, the mandatory modules are:

  • name















Generally speaking, kernel module packages must comply with the SL conventions. The new KUSL.pl will also handle packages complying with the kmod conventions introduced with RHEL5.

KUSL(3) will refuse to install a kernel if mandatory packages are not available. Non mandatory packages include kernel-source, sound modules, kernel-doc.


This is not needed on SL4/5. For SL3 we no longer provide alsa modules as well.

ESD CAN Module (for PITZ Radiation Monitor)

This hasn't been done yet for SL4/5, and probably never will be.

This is similar to the ALSA modules, but;

  • The srpms are in /packages/SRPMS/esdcan (different ACL from others due to proprietary license of source).
  • There's no build script.
  • Builds should be done manually, on pitzrap itself, and always against

    a fresh kernel-source package:

    1. remove the kernel-source package(s)
    2. install the right kernel-source package for the kernel you want to build the module for
    3. configure it:
      cd /usr/src/linux-2.4.....
      cp configs/kernel-2.4.21-i686.config .config
      sed -i 's/^\(EXTRAVERSION.*\)custom/\1/' Makefile
      make dep
      make clean
    4. install the srpm (it doesn't matter from which kernel build it is):
      rpm -ivh /packages/SRPMS/esdcan/kernel-module-esdcan-...3.3.3-1.src.rpm
    5. build:
      rpmbuild -ba [--define 'kernel 2.4.21....'] --target i686 kernel-module-esdcan.spec
    6. copy the .i686.rpms to /afs/.ifh.de/packages/i586_rhel30/System/esdcan, yum-arch and release


These are no longer provided for SL3/4.

Since nvidia no longer supports all cards in a single driver, "generations" had to be introduced to support all our PCs. There is a single SRPM, nvidia-driver-gx to build all binary packages from. It will only work on SL5.

The g1 "legacy driver" is required on the Dell Precision 350 with an NVS 280 SD (AGP) board. The new g2 driver should work an all newer systems. Notice the nvidia driver doesn't work on Xen kernels.

  1. make sure the right kernel-devel RPMs are installed (there's a build requirement)
  2. rebuild the SRPM, on 32bit:
    rpmbuild --rebuild --target i686 --define 'kernel 2.6.18-53.1.4.el5' --define 'nvgen 1' nvidia-driver-gx-...src.rpm
    rpmbuild --rebuild --target i686 --define 'kernel 2.6.18-53.1.4.el5' --define 'nvgen 2' nvidia-driver-gx-...src.rpm
    rpmbuild --rebuild --define 'build_module 1' --define 'kernel 2.6.18-53.1.4.el5' --define 'nvgen 2' nvidia-driver-gx-...src.rpm

For generation 1, we only need the 32bit packages because the Dell 350 doesn't support x86_64.


These modules only make sense on the x86_64 architecture since running xfs on 32bit EL is not considered a good idea.

XFS kernel modules are now included in the SL(4+) distribution, and there's no need to build them anymore - except when forgotten by the SL maintainers for some update kernel. When this happens, find the SRPM in the distribution mirror, and read the instructions in the spec. Or ask on the sl-users list.

Since SL5.4, no additional kernel-module package is needed any longer because the module is now part of the EL kernel. For the time being, a dummy module is still provided.


As of kernel 2.6.9-67.0.1.EL (SL4) and 2.6.18-53.1.4.el5 (SL5), this driver is included in the distribution. The only system needing this driver (sbox1) hence no longer requires any special module package. And it's headed for the scrap pile.

Adding a new SL release

There are quarterly releases of SL, following Red Hat's updates to RHEL. Each new release must be made available for installation and updates. The procedure is the same for SL3 and SL4. Just substitute filenames and paths as appropriate:

Step 1: Mirror the new subdirectory

  • Create a new logical volume on a:
    lvcreate -L 30G -n SL44 vg00
  • Add an according line in /etc/fstab (mount with the acl option)

  • Create the directory, mount the volume, and make sure permissions and security context are right:
    chgrp sysprog /nfs1/pallas/SL/44
    chmod g+w /nfs1/pallas/SL/44
    getfacl /nfs1/pallas/SL/43 | setfacl --set-file=- /nfs1/pallas/SL/44
    chcon system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t /nfs1/pallas/SL/44
    The last command makes it possible to access the directory through apache. The chgrp and chmod are actually redundant if ACLs are used.
  • Modify sync-pallas.pl to include the new release. Now sync-pallas.pl (do a dryrun first, and look wether additional subdirectories should be excluded).
  • If you're using xrolling for testing, make a link like this:
    /nfs1/a/SL/44 -> 40rolling
  • Check access through http

Step 2: Create staged errata directories

Modify /project/linux/SL/scripts/stage-errata.cf to include the new release. Note if you're trying 30rolling as a test for the release, you must configure 30rolling, not 304 (or whatever). The same for SL4. Now run stage-errata.

Step 3: Make the kernel/initrd available by TFTP for PXE boot

Run the script

/project/linux/SL/scripts/tftp_add_sl_release 44 i386

and accordingly for other releases and architectures. This will copy the kernel and the initrd, and create a pxelinux configuration file. You may still want/have to add a few lines in /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default (for example, for Tier2 installs).

Step 4: Make the release available in VAMOS

Fire up the GUI, select "vars" as the top object, go to CF_SL_release, choose the "values_host" tab, and add the new value to the available choices. Set it on some test host.

Step 5: test

Make sure this works and sets the right link:

  /project/linux/SL/scripts/pxe <testhost>

Make sure this chooses the right directory:

  cd /project/linux/SL/profiles
  ./CKS.pl <testhost>

Make sure SLU works correctly:

  ssh <testhost>
  /project/linux/SL/scripts/SLU.pl yes please

Try an installation:

  • activ-ai <testhost>

  • then boot it

Try updating an existing installation:

  • set CF_SL_release for the host in VAMOS

  • sue.bootstrap

  • sue.update aaru

  • have a look into /var/log/yum.log, and check everything still works

Booting a rescue system

There are several ways to do this, including:

From CD1 of the distribution

Simply boot from CD1 of the distribution. At the boot prompt, type linux rescue.

Over the network using PXE

Make sure the system gets the "next-server" and "filename" responses from the dhcp server, but there's no link for the system in /tftpboot on the install server. At the boot prompt, then enter something like "sa53 rescue".

Building Kernel Packages

32-bit SL3

First install the kernel srpm (not kernel-source). Make your changes to the spec, add patches etc.

rpmbuild --sign -ba kernel-2.4.spec

This will build

  • kernel.src.rpm
  • kernel-source.i386.rpm
  • kernel-doc.i386.rpm
  • kernel-BOOT.i386.rpm

rpmbuild --sign -ba --target i686 kernel-2.4.spec

This will build

  • kernel.i686.rpm
  • kernel-smp.i686.rpm
  • kernel-hugeme.i686.rpm
  • kernel-unsupported.i686.rpm
  • kernel-smp-unsupport.i686.rpm
  • kernel-hugemem-unsupported.i686.rpm

Trying to turn off build of the hugemen kernel breaks the spec.

Additional modules for these are built as for any other SL kernel, with one exception of course:

Building the 1.2.x kernel-module-openafs (and openafs) packages

For ordinary SL kernels, this is done at FNAL, hence we needn't bother. But for our own kernels, or if we want to apply a change to the SRPM, we have to do this ourselves.

The kernel version must always be defined, and always without the "smp" suffix.

Otherwise, when building on an SMP system, the build will work but the modules will not.

For each kernel version you want to build modules for, install the kernel-source, kernel, and kernel-smp RPMs on the build system, they're all needed. Then:

  • To build the base packages on i686:
    PATH=/usr/kerberos/bin:$PATH rpmbuild --rebuild --sign --define 'kernel 2.4.21...' openafs-...src.rpm
  • To build the kernel module packages (UP and SMP) on i686:
    PATH=/usr/kerberos/bin:$PATH rpmbuild --rebuild --sign --target i686 --define 'kernel 2.4.21...' openafs-...src.rpm
  • To build the base packages plus the kernel modules (UP and SMP) on x86_64:
    PATH=/usr/kerberos/bin:$PATH rpmbuild --rebuild --sign --define 'kernel 2.4.21...' openafs-...src.rpm
  • To build just the kernel modules (UP and SMP) on x86_64:
    PATH=/usr/kerberos/bin:$PATH rpmbuild --rebuild --sign --define 'kernel 2.4.21...' --define 'build_modules 1' openafs-...src.rpm
  • To build just the kernel module for ia32e (intel CPUs) on x86_64:

    PATH=/usr/kerberos/bin:$PATH rpmbuild --rebuild --sign --target ia32e --define 'kernel 2.4.21...' openafs-...src.rpm

Building the NEW 1.4.x kernel-module-openafs packages

As of December 2006, there exists a unified SRPM for OpenAFS 1.4.2+, which doesn't have the build problems described above, and works in exactly the same way on SL3, SL4, and SL5. It's named openafs.SLx, but will create packages named openafs with SL3, SL4, SL5 in the release number. The SRPM can (and should) be rebuilt without being root. The steps are the same on every platform:

First install the right kernel-source (SL3) or matching kernel[-smp|-largesmp|-xen|...]-devel package for the target kernel.

Then run:

rpmbuild --rebuild --sign --target  i686 --define 'kernel 2.4.21...' --define 'build_modules 1' openafs.SLx-...src.rpm

There's always just one module built per invocation. Building on SMP systems is ok.

Supported targets include i686, athlon (SL3 only), ia32e (SL3 only, must build on 64bit system), x86_64 (must build on 64bit system), ia64 (untested).

Supported kernel flavours include smp (SL3/4), hugemem (SL3/4), largesmp (SL4), xen (SL5), xenU (SL4), PAE (SL5).






SL Operations Manual (last edited 2017-01-16 10:23:13 by TimmEssigke)