#acl DvGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read === Slurm Installation for Pax Cluster === Slurm is currently being tested as scheduler for the pax11 machines, named pax11-[00-31]. ==== Kerberos Integration ==== You need to acquire an addressless Kerberos ticket for Slurm to work. This is the default on supported DESY machines. On self-maintained machines like notebooks, simply set {{{noaddresses=true}}} in the file {{{/etc/krb5.conf}}}. To check if your ticket is addressless, call {{{klist -v}}} (Heimdal klist only). ==== Slurm Commands ==== The most important commands: ||[[http://slurm.schedmd.com/sinfo.html|sinfo]]||Information about the cluster|| ||[[http://slurm.schedmd.com/squeue.html|squeue]]||Show current job list || ||[[http://slurm.schedmd.com/srun.html|srun]] ||Parallel command execution|| ||[[http://slurm.schedmd.com/sbatch.html|sbatch]]||Submit a batch job|| ||[[http://slurm.schedmd.com/salloc.html|salloc]]||Reserve ressources for interactive commands|| ||[[http://slurm.schedmd.com/scancel.html|scancel]]||Abort a job|| ||[[http://slurm.schedmd.com/sacct.html|sacct]] ||Show accounting information|| ===== Allocation ===== Slurm was configured to always schedule complete nodes to each job. The pax11 machines have hyperthreading enabled, each hardware thread is seen as a CPU core by Slurm, so by default, on a 32 core machine with hyperthreading, 64 MPI processes are assigned. To prevent that, use the option {{{-c 2}}} for sbatch, salloc or srun. ===== Parallel Execution ===== Slurm has integrated execution support for parallel programs, replacing mpirun. However, it depends on the used MPI library if you can use slurm's srun command or mpirun. To start a program based on mvapich2, run it with a command like {{{srun --mpi=pmi2 -n 4 -N 2 program}}} for 4 processes on two nodes. For openmpi, use mpirun instead. ===== MPI Support ===== Before running MPI programs, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable must first be set, this is done by loading the right environment module, e.g. {{{module add intel openmpi}}}. ==== Job scripts ==== Parameters to slurm can be set on the sbatch command line or starting with a {{{#SBATCH}}} in the script. The most important parameters are: ||-J ||job name|| ||--get-user-env||copy environment variables|| ||-n ||number of cores|| ||-N ||number of nodes|| ||-t ||run time of the job, default is 30 minutes|| ||-A ||account, default the same as UNIX group|| ||-p ||partition of the cluster|| ||--mail-type||configure email notifications, e.g. use --mail-type=ALL|| ===== Time format ===== The runtime of a job is given as minutes, hours and minutes (HH:MM) or days and hours (DD-HH). The maximum run time was set to 48 hours. ===== Examples ===== An example job script is in [[attachment:slurm-mpi.job]] ==== Accounting ==== The jobs and their resources usage is stored in a database that is used for the fair share part of the scheduler. You can view your account's jobs with the command {{{sacct}}}. With no parameters,only today's jobs are shown, to view all jobs since May 1st, use the command {{{sacct -S 2014-05-01}}} . To view jobs from other accounts as well, use the {{{--allusers}}} option.