Differences between revisions 1 and 11 (spanning 10 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2016-09-29 13:31:50
Size: 4188
Revision 11 as of 2016-11-15 14:19:12
Size: 5068
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Please be patient, translation in progress... [[Mailmigration|Mailmigration (deutsch)]] {{http://www-zeuthen.desy.de/icons/german.gif}}
Line 9: Line 9:
If the PEM contains mail.ifh.de or imap.ifh.de), then goto step 2.
Otherwise no migraition is required.
If the PEM contains mail.ifh.de or imap.ifh.de), then go to step 2.
Otherwise no migration is required.
Line 14: Line 14:
=== 2. Sicherstellen, dass in Zimbra keine Mails vorhanden sind ===
Einloggen mit dem Browser auf [[https://mail.desy.de|Zimbra]] und
Suche dort nach Mailfoldern, in denen Mails vorhanden sind. Falls wichtige
Mails vorhanden sind, diese sichern oder die Folder so umbenennen, dass es
keine Namensgleicheit mit Foldern in Zeuthen gibt. Die Mails in Hamburg
können bei der Mailmigration verloren gehen. Weiter mit Schritt 3
=== 2. Check that no mails are stored yet in Zimbra ===
Visit the URL [[https://mail.desy.de|Zimbra]] and search there for non empty mail folders. If folders with mails
do exist, please save its contents or rename the mail folders such that there will be no name clash
between folders in Zeuthen and folders in Zimbra. Under some circumstances existing mails in Zimbra can get lost when doing the mail migration. Go to step 3.
Line 21: Line 19:
=== 3. Mailmigration ===
   Bitte '''auf einer schnellen Maschine einloggen''' (wgs, kein Desktop!!!).
   Falls kein wgs v
orhanden, bitte den host 'transfer' benutzen.
   Windows User loggen sich über X-Win32 oder putty.ein.
=== 3. Mail migration ===
   Please '''login on a fast machine''' (work group server or host 'transfer', no desktop!!!).
   Windows users have to login there using X-Win32 or putty. Execute
Line 28: Line 25:
   Es erfolgt wenig Output, das Passwort (Zimbra-Hamburg) wird zweimal
   abgefragt, danach startet die Mailmigration, die nicht unterbrochen
   werden darf. Je nach Zahl der Mails und Folder kann die Mailmigration
   '''lange dauern''' (ca 10 Minuten pro GB an Mail). Fehlermeldungen können
   ignoriert werden. Der Fortschritt der Migration kann verfolgt werden.
   Das Skript ruft das Programm /products/admintools/scripts/mbsync auf,
   eine Manpage findet man auf /afs/ifh.de/user/f/friebel/public/mbsync.1
   und /afs/ifh.de/user/f/friebel/public/mbsync.pdf
   The script does start with a password dialog (twice) for the Zimbra server (DESY password). Then the mail migration takes place. This process must not be interrupted. Depending on the number of mails and the number of folders the migration step can take quite some time
   (approx. 10 minutes/GB). Error messages can be ignored. The progress of the migration is displayed with 3 counters.
   The script is based on the program mbsync (/products/admintools/scripts/mbsync).
   A man page for mbsync is on /afs/ifh.de/user/f/friebel/public/mbsync.1
   and on /afs/ifh.de/user/f/friebel/public/mbsync.pdf
Line 37: Line 31:
   Die Mails werden nur nach Hamburg kopiert, nicht in Zeuthen gelöscht.
   Daher besteht in diesem Schritt keine Gefahr von Mailverlust.
   Nur nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der Migration darf Schritt 4 folgen
   The mails get copied to Zimbra only, they will not be deleted in Zeuthen.
   Therefore this step is safe and a loss of mails cannot happen.
   Do continue with step 4 only after successful completion of this procedure.
Line 41: Line 35:
=== 4. Löschen (gegebenenfalls Setzen) des Mail Forwardings in Zimbra ===
   Einloggen in Zimbra, Einstellungen/Preferences auswählen, dann links den
   Punkt 'mail' wählen. Den Abschnitt 'Receiving Mail' suchen und dort das Feld
   'Forward a copy to:' löschen. Wenn eine Weiterleitung der Mail nach ausserhalb
   erfolgen soll oder eine Kopie weitergeleitet werden soll muss stattdessen
   'Forward a copy to:' ausgefüllt werden. Eventuell 'Don't keep a local copy of
   messages' ankreuzen. Die Änderung(en) bitte speichern! Weiter mit Punkt 5
=== 4. Delete (or set differently if needed) the mail forwardings in Zimbra ===
   Login to Zimbra, select Preferences, then on the left side click on 'mail'. Look on the page for the section 'Receiving Mail' and delete there the field 'Forward a copy to:'. If a forwarding of all mails is wanted then that field has to be filled properly.
   Depending on whether a local copy should be retained or not the field 'Don't keep a local copy of
   messages' has to be set accordingly. Do not forget to save the changes! Go to step 5
Line 49: Line 40:
=== 5. Umstellung der PEM in der Registry ===
   Einloggen auf https://registry.desy.de/registry
   Auf 'Modify Person' die Suche nach der Person starten, ggf. die
   korrekte auswählen, dann das Feld 'Physical e-mail address' auf
   <accountname>@mail.desy.de, z.B. {{{friebel@mail.desy.de}}} ändern und
   dann auf 'save data' klicken. Spätestens 10..20 Minuten nach der PEM
   Änderung sollte das Mailrouting in Zeuthen so funktionieren, dass alle
   Mails zu Zimbra geleitet werden und keine neuen Mails mehr in Zeuthen
   ankommen. Weiter mit Schritt 6
=== 5. Changing ther PEM in the registry ===
   Login to https://registry.desy.de/registry, choose
   'Modify Person' and search for the correct person (i.e.yourself).
   If more than one result is displayed, select the correct one. Then change the field 'Physical e-mail address' to
   <accountname>@mail.desy.de, e.g. {{{friebel@mail.desy.de}}} and click on
   'save data'. Do allow for 10..20 minutes after having changed the PEM.
   Then the mail routing in Zeuthen should work properly, i.e. all
   mails get redirected to Zimbra and no new mails will arrive in Zeuthen. Go to step 6
Line 59: Line 49:
=== 6. Prüfen, ob neue Mails während der Migration in Zeuthen angekommen sind ===
Das geschieht einfach durch Wiederholung von Schritt 3. Achtung: es darf
zwischenzeitlich keine Mail in Zeuthen gelöscht worden sein. Bei Verwendung
von fast_mailsync dauert dieser Schritt in der Regel nur wenige Sekunden.
=== 6. Check for newly arrived mails in Zeuthen during the mail migration ===
Simply repeat step 3. Important: no mails should have been deleted meanwhile
in Zeuthen, as this delete would be propagated to Zimbra. This repeated synchronization should typically last for a few seconds only.
Line 64: Line 53:
Wenn sichergestellt ist, dass alle Mails korrekt nach Hamburg transferiert
wurden, kann optional Schritt 7 erfolgen
If all mails have correctly been transferred to Zimbra, optionally step 7 can follow
Line 67: Line 55:
=== 7. Löschen der Mails in Zeuthen. ===
Achtung: Nach dem Löschen von Mails in Zeuthen darf Schritt 3 bzw. 6 nicht
wiederholt werden, sonst droht Mailverlust.
=== 7. Deleting the mails in Zeuthen ===
Important: after deleting mails in Zeuthen the migration step (3 and 6) must not be repeated, otherwise the delete will get synched to Zimbra
and the mails would also be removed from Zimbra.
Line 71: Line 59:
Damit ist die Mailmigration beendet und Mailempfang und Anzeige finden nun
in Hamburg statt. Nun muss abschliessend noch die Umkonfigurierung aller
benutzten Mailclients (auf Desktop, Laptop, Smartphone, ...) erfolgen.
=== 8. Reconfiguration of the mail clients ===
With this last step the migration procedure is complete. As from now on the Hamburg mail infrastructure gets used, all mail clients (on the desktop, laptops, cellphones, ...) have to be reconfigured
Line 75: Line 62:
Dabei ist sowohl der Mailempfang (mail.desy.de) als auch der Mailversand
(smtp-auth.desy.de) gemäss der Anleitung [[https://it.desy.de/dienste/e_mail/e206938/index_ger.html|im Web]]
zu konfigurieren.
For this procedure please '''follow the instructions [[https://it.desy.de/dienste/e_mail/e206938/index_ger.html|on the web]]'''.

For alpine '''at least the following changes''' have to be made in the Config menue (m s c):
 * SMTP Server (smtp-auth.desy.de/submit/user=accountname)
 * Inbox Path (mail.desy.de/ssl)
 * Customized Headers (From: firstname.lastname@desy.de)
and in the Collection Lists menue (m s l):
 * IMAP folders (mail.desy.de/ssl)instead of imap.ifh.de

If there are other occurences of the string imap.ifh.de then they have to be replaced by mail.desy.de/ssl as well. Especially the '''sent-mail folder''' (field Default FCC) might have this string.

/!\ If then the command
grep ifh ~/.pinerc
is still producing '''output''' containing the string mail.ifh.de or imap.ifh.de then the corresponding fields in pine have to be changed.

It is recommended that GUI users (Thunderbird etc.) create a new account with the proper settings.

Mailmigration (deutsch) http://www-zeuthen.desy.de/icons/german.gif

The following steps are required

1. Checking the contents of the PEM

The PEM can be found in the Registry under 'Modify Person' for each person in the field 'Physical e-mail address'

If the PEM contains mail.ifh.de or imap.ifh.de), then go to step 2. Otherwise no migration is required.

If the PEM does not point to Hamburg (does not contain desy.de), then only the mail routing has to be adapted (then goto step 4)

2. Check that no mails are stored yet in Zimbra

Visit the URL Zimbra and search there for non empty mail folders. If folders with mails do exist, please save its contents or rename the mail folders such that there will be no name clash between folders in Zeuthen and folders in Zimbra. Under some circumstances existing mails in Zimbra can get lost when doing the mail migration. Go to step 3.

3. Mail migration

  • Please login on a fast machine (work group server or host 'transfer', no desktop!!!). Windows users have to login there using X-Win32 or putty. Execute

  • The script does start with a password dialog (twice) for the Zimbra server (DESY password). Then the mail migration takes place. This process must not be interrupted. Depending on the number of mails and the number of folders the migration step can take quite some time (approx. 10 minutes/GB). Error messages can be ignored. The progress of the migration is displayed with 3 counters. The script is based on the program mbsync (/products/admintools/scripts/mbsync). A man page for mbsync is on /afs/ifh.de/user/f/friebel/public/mbsync.1 and on /afs/ifh.de/user/f/friebel/public/mbsync.pdf The mails get copied to Zimbra only, they will not be deleted in Zeuthen. Therefore this step is safe and a loss of mails cannot happen. Do continue with step 4 only after successful completion of this procedure.

4. Delete (or set differently if needed) the mail forwardings in Zimbra

  • Login to Zimbra, select Preferences, then on the left side click on 'mail'. Look on the page for the section 'Receiving Mail' and delete there the field 'Forward a copy to:'. If a forwarding of all mails is wanted then that field has to be filled properly. Depending on whether a local copy should be retained or not the field 'Don't keep a local copy of messages' has to be set accordingly. Do not forget to save the changes! Go to step 5

5. Changing ther PEM in the registry

  • Login to https://registry.desy.de/registry, choose 'Modify Person' and search for the correct person (i.e.yourself). If more than one result is displayed, select the correct one. Then change the field 'Physical e-mail address' to <accountname>@mail.desy.de, e.g. friebel@mail.desy.de and click on 'save data'. Do allow for 10..20 minutes after having changed the PEM. Then the mail routing in Zeuthen should work properly, i.e. all mails get redirected to Zimbra and no new mails will arrive in Zeuthen. Go to step 6

6. Check for newly arrived mails in Zeuthen during the mail migration

Simply repeat step 3. Important: no mails should have been deleted meanwhile in Zeuthen, as this delete would be propagated to Zimbra. This repeated synchronization should typically last for a few seconds only.

If all mails have correctly been transferred to Zimbra, optionally step 7 can follow

7. Deleting the mails in Zeuthen

Important: after deleting mails in Zeuthen the migration step (3 and 6) must not be repeated, otherwise the delete will get synched to Zimbra and the mails would also be removed from Zimbra.

8. Reconfiguration of the mail clients

With this last step the migration procedure is complete. As from now on the Hamburg mail infrastructure gets used, all mail clients (on the desktop, laptops, cellphones, ...) have to be reconfigured

For this procedure please follow the instructions on the web.

For alpine at least the following changes have to be made in the Config menue (m s c):

  • SMTP Server (smtp-auth.desy.de/submit/user=accountname)
  • Inbox Path (mail.desy.de/ssl)
  • Customized Headers (From: firstname.lastname@desy.de)

and in the Collection Lists menue (m s l):

  • IMAP folders (mail.desy.de/ssl)instead of imap.ifh.de

If there are other occurences of the string imap.ifh.de then they have to be replaced by mail.desy.de/ssl as well. Especially the sent-mail folder (field Default FCC) might have this string.

/!\ If then the command

grep ifh ~/.pinerc

is still producing output containing the string mail.ifh.de or imap.ifh.de then the corresponding fields in pine have to be changed.

It is recommended that GUI users (Thunderbird etc.) create a new account with the proper settings.

Mailmigration_en (last edited 2016-12-20 14:47:06 by SimoneWassberg)