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Software Environment with Module



Extending $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to locations on non-local storage can have adverse effects on your user experience (delays, hangs). It is therefore not recommended to execute module commands in your dot files. Instead, they should only be used in the shell instance where they are actually required.




module --help

module avail

to list all available modules you can load

module list

to list your currently loaded modules

module load moduleName

to load moduleName into your environment

module unload moduleName

to unload moduleName from your environment

module switch oldmoduleName newmoduleName

first unloads module oldmoduleName then loads module newmoduleName

module display moduleName

lists the environment variables set up by the module moduleName

module whatis moduleName

more information about the software package moduleName

module whatis

list of available modules, with brief description


module avail
------------------------------------- /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles -------------------------------------
dot         module-cvs  module-info modules     null        use.own

-------------------------------------------- /etc/modulefiles --------------------------------------------
intel.2011           maple.15             matlab/R2012a        openmpi-x86_64       texlive/2011
maple/16             math.7               matlab.R2011a        openmpi-x86_64-intel texlive/2012
maple.14             math.8               openmpi-i386         pgi.2011

module avail maple/
-------------------------------------------- /etc/modulefiles --------------------------------------------
maple/16 maple.14 maple.15

module load maple

module list         
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) maple/16

module display maple

module-whatis    Setup Maple version 16  
prepend-path     PATH /opt/maple/16/bin 

module vs. ini

Environment modules are replacing ini. The former are widely used in scientific computing, while ini is practically unheard of outside DESY even though it's not necessarily inferior. There is a rough correspondence between ini and module commands:

ini command

module command



module whatis

list available modules, with brief description


module avail

list all available modules you can load


module list

list your currently loaded modules

ini something

module load something

load something into your environment

ini -something

module unload something

unload something from your environment


module switch oldmoduleName newmoduleName

first unloads module oldmoduleName then loads module newmoduleName


module display moduleName

lists the environment variables set up by the module moduleName


Software_Env_with_Modules (last edited 2012-11-16 20:31:37 by StephanWiesand)