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Revision 9 as of 2015-08-31 09:37:13
Size: 1885
Editor: AndreasHaupt
Revision 10 as of 2015-09-02 09:28:15
Size: 1270
Editor: AndreasHaupt
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== Remarks for the migration phase to UGE 8.2 ==

It is impossible to access both, the old (UGE 8.0) and the new (UGE 8.2) batch system on the same node simultaneously. To avoid the situation that you are unable to access your running jobs in the old batch system once your WGS has been switched, these to virtual machines have been set up:

||<rowstyle="background-color: #E0E0FF;">Node name||Comment||
||uge82 ||access to the UGE 8.2 batch system during the migration phase||
||uge80 ||access to the UGE 8.0 batch system during the migration phase||

Theses hosts can simply be accessed via ssh.

This page describes the changes done for the new batch system installation (Univa Gridengine 8.2.1) in Zeuthen.

Most important changes

Requesting "h_vmem" is unsupported

Requesting virtual memory to limit the job's memory consumption has always been a compromise. But it was the only method which reliably worked on Linux. Nevertheless it was always desired to restrict physical memory consumption instead of virtual as this was the limited resource on a node. With CGroups entering the Linux kernel, this is now possible. Please specify your job's physical memory requirements with e.g. -l h_rss=2G from now on.

/!\ As the physical memory footprint is usually considerably lower than the virtual, please do not simply replace the old "h_vmem" request by "h_rss"! Specify it close to the real job demands - this will increase your job throughput dramatically!

Task range selection changed

The selection of task ranges in commands like qdel has changed. To delete tasks 2001 to 10000 of job 101513, use the command

qdel 101513.2001-10000

Nodes run in new domain "zeuthen.desy.de"

Nodes are no longer located in the domain ifh.de.

UGE82Changes (last edited 2015-09-02 09:28:15 by AndreasHaupt)