Differences between revisions 28 and 49 (spanning 21 versions)
Revision 28 as of 2008-06-16 13:58:38
Size: 15426
Editor: FelixFrank
Comment: phobos (ab)use
Revision 49 as of 2009-07-31 15:19:08
Size: 559
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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On ''iokaste'', /root/.zshenv now contains {{{ On ''phobos'', /root/.zshenv now contains {{{
Line 9: Line 9:
= Status =
Overview of installs:
|| Machine || service || version ||
|| io || kdc || - ||
|| || rxosd || 1.4.7+OSD ||
|| || afsd || 1.4.6-58 (SL5 rpm) ||
|| iokaste || fileserver || 1.4.7+OSD ||
|| || vldb,pts || 1.4.7(+OSD) ||
|| || osddb || 1.4.7+OSD ||
|| || afsd || 1.4.7+OSD ||
|| phobos || fileserver || 1.4.7, '''currently being used for testing various sub-patches of the Garching patch''' ||
|| || afsd || 1.4.6-58 (SL5 rpm) ||

= Mirroring of the code from Garching =
There are two directories with AFS+OSD code on the servers:
{{{ /usr/local/src/openafs-1.4.6-osd
/usr/local/src/openafs-1.4.6-osd.orig }}}
The latter is used to diff against Garching and is usually my primary update site:
{{{ cd /usr/local/src/openafs-1.4.7-osd.orig/
rsync -r --include=/src/ --exclude=/\*/ /afs/ipp-garching.mpg.de/.cs/openafs/openafs-1.4.7-osd-bpc/ .
The include/exclude options ensure that ''src/'' is the only copied subdirectory, omitting all possible platform subtrees.

For building the code, the ''openafs-1.4.7-osd'' directory (sans ''.orig'' suffix) is used. I update it using another rsync:
{{{ rsync -r openafs-1.4.7-osd.orig/ openafs-1.4.7-osd
/!\ When specifying the source for `rsync`, the presence or absence of the trailing slash is vital for the effect of the command. See `rsync (1)`.
(!) The .orig directory should be obsoleted in favor of `make dest`
(!) The "primary copy" of Hartmut's code should reside in (testing) AFS

= Building OpenAFS-OSD =
In the ''openafs-1.4.6-osd'' directory: {{{
./configure --enable-bitmap-later --enable-bos-restricted-mode --enable-bos-new-config --enable-fast-restart --enable-supergroups --enable-largefile-fileserver --enable-transarc-paths --with-krb5-conf --enable-object-storage
Line 45: Line 10:
 * From the source directory '''copy''' {{{
src/libafs/MODLOAD-2.6.18-8.1.15.el5-MP/libafs.ko }}}
  (where ''2.6.18-8.1.15.el5-MP'' is the kernel version)
to {{{
/lib/modules/2.6.18-8.1.10.el5/kernel/fs/openafs/libafs.ko }}}
 * {{{
 * Manually:
* From the source directory '''copy''' {{{
src/libafs/MODLOAD-`uname -r`-*/libafs.ko }}}
  to {{{
/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/fs/openafs/libafs.ko }}}
  * {{{
Line 52: Line 17:
 * or
  * install appropriate kernel module RPM
Line 58: Line 25:
[iokaste] ~ # fs protocol -enable RXOSD
Line 60: Line 26:

= Issues =

== Missing token is not handled well ==
{{{ $ osd volumes io -lun 1
RX xdr error
Cannot list volumes
Request aborted.
$ osd createv io 1 536870924
Createvolume failed: RXOSD_create_part ended with 13
Request aborted.}}}

In general, missing privileges are an issue but there is no "friendly output" describing the cause of the problem. Some examples of unprivileged access attempts:
|| '''fs osd''' || Error 13 reading length of metadata || works with '''r''' privilege granted to system:anyuser ||
|| '''osd read''' || RX xdr error \\ Cannot read the object \\ rx_End``Call returns: 13 \\ Request aborted. || requires token ||
|| '''osd volumes''' || RX xdr error \\ Cannot list volumes \\ Request aborted. || requires token ||
|| '''osd examine''' || RXOSD_examine failed with code 13 \\ Request aborted. || requires token ||

Database queries '''osd listosds''' and '''osd servers''' seem to work unauthenticated.

= Subcommands =

== fs createstripedfile ==

=== creating mirrored files ===

{{{ # fs creates /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored-file 1 14 -copies 2
}}} where 1 is the ''number of stripes'' and 14 is ''log_2(stripesize in bytes)''.
 Note:: Allowed exponents are 12..19, allowing stripe sizes 4kB..512kB.

The above command created an unstriped but mirrored file.

=== creating striped files ===

This is how we created the first striped file: {{{
# fs creates /afs/desytest/osdtest/striped_file_1 2 14
done }}}
We stored a kernel image inside: {{{
# cp /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5 striped_file_1
# mv striped_file_1 vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5
# ll
total 7615
-rw-r--r-- 1 bin root 417032 Jan 14 14:54 libafs.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 bin root 5612872 Jan 28 15:31 mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 bin root 1765652 Feb 14 13:37 vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5
# fs osd vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5
vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5 has 172 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=2, strsize=16384, cop=1, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=720578573194231814, osd=12, stripe=0
            pid=536870924, oid=3026421582407925766, osd=11, stripe=1
            obj=536870924.6.704643685.0 }}}
As the stripes were put in OSDs 11 and 12 respectively: {{{
# osd listo
 id name(loc) ---total space--- flag prior. own. server lun size range
  1 local_disk wr rd (0kb-1mb)
  8 io_a 279 gb 0.0 % up hsm 50 0 io.ifh.d 0 (1mb-64gb)
  9 io_b 279 gb 0.0 % up hsm 50 0 io.ifh.d 1 (1mb-64gb)
 10 io_c 279 gb 0.0 % up hsm 50 0 io.ifh.d 2 (1mb-64gb)
 11 io_d 279 gb 0.0 % up hsm 50 0 io.ifh.d 3 (1mb-64gb)
 12 io_e 278 gb 0.0 % up hsm 50 0 io.ifh.d 4 (1mb-64gb)
# osd vol io
1 volumes found:
# osd obj io 536870924 3
536870924.4.33555043.0 fid 536870924.4.611 tag 0 not-striped lng 4209654 lc 1
536870924.6.704643685.0 fid 536870924.6.613 tag 0 1/2/16384 lng 880916 lc 1
536870924.4.704643683.1 fid 536870924.4.611 tag 1 1/2/16384 lng 0 lc 1
3 object(s) with totally 5090570 bytes for volume 536870924 found
# osd obj io 536870924 4
536870924.4.167772771.0 fid 536870924.4.611 tag 0 0/2/16384 lng 0 lc 1
536870924.6.167772773.0 fid 536870924.6.613 tag 0 0/2/16384 lng 884736 lc 1
2 object(s) with totally 884736 bytes for volume 536870924 found }}}

The first file on ''io/3'' (vicepd) belongs to the mirrored file created above, not the striped file.

=== adding segments to an existing OSD file ===
# fs creates /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2 2 14
File /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2 already exists. Create new segment? (Y|N)
# fs osd mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2
mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2 has 436 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 3 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=5612872, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=16384, cop=2, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=144117812300873732, osd=10, stripe=0
            pid=536870924, oid=144117812300873732, osd=11, stripe=0
        lng=5612872, offs=5612872, stripes=2, strsize=16384, cop=1, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=720578564604297220, osd=12, stripe=0
            pid=536870924, oid=3026421573885100036, osd=11, stripe=1
        lng=0, offs=5612872, stripes=2, strsize=16384, cop=1, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=720578564671406084, osd=12, stripe=0
            pid=536870924, oid=3026421573952208900, osd=11, stripe=1
            obj=536870924.4.704643683.2 }}}

== fs osd ==
{{{ # fs osd /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored-file
/afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored-file has 172 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=16384, cop=2, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=144117812300873732, osd=10, stripe=0
            pid=536870924, oid=144117812300873732, osd=11, stripe=0
            obj=536870924.4.33555043.0 }}}
where ''osd=10'' and ''osd=11'' identify the storing OSD of each file copy. IDs are looked up using `osd listo`.

== osd wipecandidates ==
# osd wipe io
# osd wipe iokaste
            [ some waiting time ]
RXOSD_wipe_candidates failed with code -1
Request aborted.
# osd wipe /afs/desytest/osdtest/mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2
(no error output)
# osd wipe io 0
# osd wipe io 1
# osd wipe io 2
0 Jan 24 16:03 4209654 536870924.4.33555043.0 536870924.4.33555043
# osd wipe io 3
0 Jan 28 15:31 4209654 536870924.4.33555043.0 536870924.4.33555043
# osd wipe io 4
RXOSD_wipe_candidates failed with code 5
Request aborted. }}}
 Note:: The last request propably failed because there was no /vicepe/AFSIDat/ directory on io at the time.
 Note:: Using a filename as the only argument to `osd wipe` should have at least yielded an error similar to when using ''iokaste'' (which is not an OSD server).
 Note:: The entries for io/2 and io/3 are the two copies of the file created above.

== fs wipe ==
# fs wipe mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2
Could not wipe mirrored._usr_afs.2007-12-17.tar.bz2, error code was 22 }}}
 Note:: This appears to be the default answer to a tried wipe of a file that has not yet been archived using `fs archive`.

== osd createvolume ==
[iokaste] ~ # vos create iokaste a osdtestvol2
Volume 536870927 created on partition /vicepa of iokaste
[iokaste] ~ # osd createvol io 536870927 0
Createvolume: volume 536870927 successfully created.
[iokaste] ~ # osd volu io 0
2 volumes found:
[iokaste] ~ # osd volu io 1
1 volumes found:

== osd volumes ==
# osd volumes io
1 volumes found:
That's the same VolID as in AFS:
# vos listvl
VLDB entries for all servers

    RWrite: 536870924
    number of sites -> 1
       server iokaste.ifh.de partition /vicepa RW Site

    RWrite: 536870921
    number of sites -> 1
       server iokaste.ifh.de partition /vicepa RW Site

Total entries: 2

 Note:: This information seems to be persistent, even after removing all of a volume's files from Object Storage: {{{
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 0
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 1
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 2
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 3
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 4
1 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd volu io 5
0 volumes found:
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 0
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 1
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 2
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 3
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 4
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found }}}

== osd objects ==
Both volume and partition are needed:
# osd obj io 536870924
0 object(s) with totally 0 bytes for volume 536870924 found

# osd obj io 536870924 2
536870924.4.33555043.0 fid 536870924.4.611 tag 0 not-striped lng 4209654 lc 1
1 object(s) with totally 4209654 bytes for volume 536870924 found
 Note:: Without specifying a lun, the default of 0 (vicepa) is used.

== osd examine ==
This command also has issues with missing LUNs: {{{
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd exa io 536870924.6.621.0
RXOSD_examine failed with code 5
Request aborted.
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd exa io 536870924.6.621.0 -lun 4
536870924.6.621.0 fid 536870924.6.621 tag 0 not-striped lng 44537893 lc 1 Feb 21 13:53 }}}

== osd read ==
This works for unstriped files, but suffers from the "missing LUN syndrome" as well: {{{
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd read io 536870924.6.621
RX xdr error
Cannot read the object
rx_EndCall returns: 5
Request aborted.
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd read io 536870924.6.621 0 512 -lun 4
sscanf failed at offset (0x0, 0x0) [1177711200] LOG ROTATION: DAILY
[1177711200] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: a;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.13 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: amafs;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.14 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: aphrodite;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.54 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: aquila;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.25 ms
[1177711200] CURRENT HOST STATE: ares;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.
reading of 512 bytes took 0.003 sec.
Total data rate = 180 Kbytes/sec. for read. }}}
 Note:: '''0''' and '''512''' in example 2 are ''offset'' and ''bytes to read'', resp.

== fs replaceosd ==
First tries were very discouraging:
[iokaste] ~ # fs osd /afs/desytest/osdtest/nagios-04-29-2007-00.log
/afs/desytest/osdtest/nagios-04-29-2007-00.log has 132 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=1, strsize=0, cop=1, 1 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=2667174690822, osd=12, stripe=0
[iokaste] ~ # fs rep /afs/desytest/osdtest/nagios-04-29-2007-00.log 12 8
failed to replace osd 12 for /afs/desytest/osdtest/nagios-04-29-2007-00.log, error code is 5
[iokaste] ~ # fs rep /afs/desytest/osdtest/nagios-04-29-2007-00.log 12

The last command hung and could not be TERMed or KILLed. A subsequent {{{
[iokaste] ~ # fs osd /afs/desytest/osdtest/nagios-04-29-2007-00.log
}}} got stuck much the same.

= Case study: Creating a long striped file =
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # fs creates striped-ascii-44m 2 12
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # cp /root/nagios-04-29-2007-00.log striped-ascii-44m
  [ took about 3 seconds ]
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # fs osd striped-ascii-44m
striped-ascii-44m has 172 bytes of osd metadata, v=3
On-line, 1 segm, flags=0x0
        lng=0, offs=0, stripes=2, strsize=4096, cop=1, 2 objects
            pid=536870924, oid=576463393708310532, osd=12, stripe=0
            pid=536870924, oid=2882306402922004484, osd=11, stripe=1
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 3
536870924.4.671089255.0 fid 536870924.4.615 tag 0 1/2/4096 lng 22267941 lc 1
1 object(s) with totally 22267941 bytes for volume 536870924 found
[iokaste] /afs/desytest/osdtest # osd obj io 536870924 4
536870924.4.134218343.0 fid 536870924.4.615 tag 0 0/2/4096 lng 22269952 lc 1
1 object(s) with totally 22269952 bytes for volume 536870924 found
 Note:: The lengths ('''lng''') of both objects amount to the size of the stored file: `22267941 + 22269952 = 44537893`.

Sub pages:

Important notes

On phobos, /root/.zshenv now contains


Enabeling the client

  • Manually:
    • From the source directory copy

      src/libafs/MODLOAD-`uname -r`-*/libafs.ko 


      /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/fs/openafs/libafs.ko 
    • depmod 
  • or
    • install appropriate kernel module RPM
  • reboot
  • launch afsd

Enabling OSD

[iokaste] ~ # vos setfields osdtestvol2 -osd 1

AfsOsd (last edited 2009-08-17 16:11:48 by WaltrautNiepraschk)